
Deadline extended for surfing scholarship applications

The International Surfing Association (ISA) has extended the deadline for 2011 Scholarship Program applications to February 18, 2011.

The deadline had been January 31, however, the ISA has extended the deadline with hopes of getting more applicants.

“The ISA has received many great applications, but we are certain that a large number of the countries who have not yet submitted applications have several tremendous candidates,” said ISA President Fernando Aguerre.

With generous support from Billabong, the Quiksilver Foundation and Reef Redemption, the scholarship program was created to assist young surfers who show a genuine need for financial assistance.

In a letter send to surfing’s national governing bodies and associations, Aguerre urges leaders to get the word out and encourage young surfers to submit applications.

“It is imperative that we, the surfing leaders of the world, do our part by enabling junior surfers of today with an opportunity they would not have without our support,” he said.

“It is our responsibility to provide them with an opportunity to receive financial support and to advance their education and surfing through avenues such as the ISA Scholarship Program.

“By not submitting applications, we are denying them of a chance to get ahead.”

For more information on the ISA Scholarship Program, click here. Those interested in submitting an application, should contact Canadian Surfing Association (CSA) President John Fluke at


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