dear airport/airplane people:

If you see us tomorrow, please don’t roll your eyes at us or shake your head when my 1.5 year old is laying face down in the aisle having a hissy fit or  smirk at me because my children have mismatched socks and/or no pants on or huff and puff when my child kicks the back of your seat when there are 20 other seats available on the plane. K? K.

It always starts out good when the pilot takes Aidan into the pit and lets him wear his hat and sit in his seat, but after a full day of flying it’s anyone’s guess as to how it’ll pan out.  I wish I could put them in the overhead compartments to nap. I’m kidding. Sort of. And I would give anything to still be nursing both my children for these flights. Seriously.

Can’t wait for the 2 hour drive we have after we land too. It’s awesome.

Okay okay i’m done complaining. The entire vacation was well worth the pain of tomorrow.

New giveaway to come Friday night assuming I make it out alive!

Happy Friday everyone!



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