
Dehumanizing Women, Why Do We Do It Everyday?

Dehumanizing Women, Why Do We Do It Everyday?
 © by West Point Public Affairs


We do it every day.

How often do you hear the word slut, or bitch?

This week Rush Limbaugh called Sandra Fluke a college law student a slut simply because she uses birth control. Rush chooses his words carefully I think when he attacks. He chose the word slut to drive a point across. He chose in the moment to dehumanize women. Rush isn’t the first man to do so, and he isn’t even the first person to do so. We find ourselves in a society that thinks it is okay to call a women a slut or bitch. Is that okay with you?

For centuries women have had to fight for the right to be human, we had to fight to vote, we had to fight to get wage equity..we had to fight every step of the way. Yet I find even women use the word bitch especially. At a blogging conference I attended last fall it was even used from the stage. WHY? Do we not care enough about women to know our value in society? Personally I feel every time we use a word that is meant to dehumanize another human being we are doing ourselves a disservice. We need to stop saying it is Okay to say bitch and slut. We need to VALUE ourselves. Women today have a strength that can not be matched. We need to have class that goes with that strength. We need to change our language. We need to value our lives, because if we choose not too, who will?

We need to say it is not okay to call a woman a slut, it is not okay to call a woman a bitch. These words for centuries have been meant to put a woman in her place.

Yes some say I use the word and am okay with it. I am a bitch after all. I have heard that I say you are usually wrong, you are a strong woman with an opinion, own that instead.

Let’s take the dehumanizing of women off the table. For me the common sense mom it is the only thing that makes sense. We need to stop thinking these words are a ok. They are not.


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