
Delays at Connaught & Chebucto

Eastern Trenchless, on behalf of Halifax Water, will be undertaking trenchless wastewater system rehabilitation work beginning Sunday, November 8th on Connaught Avenue and Chebucto Road in Halifax.

This work will take place at the intersection of Connaught Avenue and Chebucto Road from 9:00AM Sunday, November 8th until approximately 2:00AM Monday, November 9th. There will be lane drops in the work zone. Sidewalk access will be maintained.

Trenchless/CIPP lining involves reinforcing the inside of ageing underground pipes with a fabric liner that is saturated with a resin and then cured using UV light. This process is significantly less intrusive to traffic and residents than traditional open-trench excavations for pipe replacement work.

There will be no loss of water, wastewater or stormwater services.

Experienced traffic control personnel will be on-site to ensure smooth traffic flow around the work zone. Motorists should expect delays and use alternate routes. Motorists are also reminded that speed fines double in work zones.

Source: Release

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