Dexter – Understanding, but not acceptance

Dexter – Understanding, but not acceptance

Dexter and Deb on the scene.

Finally, someone on Dexter mentioned Harrison!

One of the most glaring problems in last week’s episode was that Deb had Dexter move into her apartment for 24/7 surveillance without any mention of his kid. Was Harrison going to live in the apartment with Jamie? Since we only saw two nights last week, I hoped it would be addressed in this episode. It wasn’t. Sigh.

The mention came early, with Deb asking Dexter about the risks he was exposing his son to. He wanted her to lay off with the constant watching, but she wasn’t so sure. But then it went nowhere – no more mention of Dexter’s kid. I like how the Deb and Dexter tension is building though. This week, Dexter tried to get Deb off his back by showing her his vetting process for victims. She didn’t bite, of course, and the friction between them is growing.

Dexter managed to get Louis out of the picture without personally killing him. He anonymously sent the ice truck killer evidence back to the lab and that dirty video diary to Jamie. Louis was suddenly out a job and a girlfriend, but we all knew he’d want revenge…

I’d been having trouble caring about the Russian mob/stripper storyline, but it finally heated up. Getting there took a while, but a tracking chip in a bracelet led the mob to Dexter. But when they found his boat? Louis was on it, seeking that revenge we just talked about. Buh-bye, Louis.

This was the first time we got to see Yvonne Strahovski, who Chuck fans will know. I was excited to hear she’d be on the show this season, and I’m intrigued about where this role will go. She’s playing Hannah, the murder partner of the serial killer who threw himself in front of a truck last week. She’s cleaned up and moved on, and she’s smart and sassy. A love interest for Dexter? A partner in crime? Both?

There was even a criminal this week – someone Dexter would have killed, but didn’t because of Deb. He was a crazy dude, and I liked how everything played out with Deb and Dex chasing him in the creepy maze. The guy got away, helping Deb understand why Dexter’s code might not be so bad after all. “I hate it, but I get it”, Deb said to Dexter. She told Dexter to move back to his apartment, so I guess Jamie can stop single-handedly raising Harrison.

“Everything’s changed. I don’t know if it can ever be the same.”

We’re at an interesting place now with Deb and Dexter. She’s stopped trying to reform him, but she’s not his cheerleader. Where will they go from here? I’m into this season a lot so far. What do you guys think?

Dexter – Understanding, but not acceptance


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