Are you always searching around your place for that other earring? Not sure where you left it? Look no more this video from Lauren Conrad will help you stay organized with this DIY Cheese Grater Earring Stand. This is SUCH an amazing idea, and also VERY inexpensive to execute. With Christmas around the corner, it could also make a great gift idea if you were gifting a beautiful pair of earrings that is! I would take it even one step further and attach a nice beautiful ribbon on the top of the grater for extra little added touch!
I made these to display some of the lovely earrings I made
(available here) and so here are some photos of the DIY process.(1) Spray the cheese graters with a good coat of primer; making sure to cover the entire surface. I left them to dry overnight, but you only really need to wait an hour or so.
(2) Once the primer is dry spray the graters with the color spray paint! I also used the pistachio green color like Lauren. I sprayed the graters in one full coat (covering all side) and then waited two minutes, and followed this sequence 4 times. A good tip is to have both graters facing the same direction and always rotate them clockwise to ensure you get all sides with every coat. If your graters don’t match up (like seen above) something has gone awry.
(3) Once you have sprayed them about 4 times waiting 1-2 minutes between coats; you will need to leave them dry for at least an hour. I left mine over night again 😀
These lovely tassel earrings featured above are currently available for purchase on the Short Presents Etsy Shoppe ! There are come in Oxblood (featured above), Hunter Green, and Bright Red. To check out the shop click here.
Give it a go and let me know! Tweet me @shortpresents
Happy Sunday,
Short Presents