Diy Macrame Plant Holders!

Picture You know that shelf in your cabinet at home filled with empty candle holders and little dishes that aren’t serving a purpose but are too pretty throw away? Well mine’s been pretty full since the holidays. I received the most beautiful set of “Precious Glow” candles from Saje Natural Wellness. It was made up of four of their signature essential oil scents in gem shaped ceramic jars- jars that have been sitting on that shelf just staring at me to be re-purposed! I had also recently picked up some air plants that needed homes, so I put my DIY hat on, grabbed my roll of twine, and got to work knotting together some macramé plant holders. They turned out so cute! If you want to make you’re own, dig into your cabinet, find your empties, and follow the steps below! Picture WHAT YOU’LL NEED Empty candle jars/dishes
​Cotton twine
​Air plants (Tillandsia) They don’t need soil and thrive quite well in small empty candle jars. Picture STEP 1 Cut four strands of cotton twine 4 feet long each. Fold them in half over the keyring, so you have 8 strings of 2 feet long cotton twine hanging from the keyring. Picture STEP 2 Knot the strings to secure them to the keyring. Picture STEP 3 Arrange your 8 pieces of twine in sets of two. It helps to lay these on a table top to keep track while knotting them. Picture Picture STEP 4 Knot each of the groups of two strands so that you end up with 4 knots. Picture STEP 5 Knot together one piece of your four knotted sections with its neighboring piece. Picture STEP 6 Continue knots from Step 5 until you get four knots. You will need to knot the two ends together to complete the loop (the fourth knot). It helps to pick the macramé off the table at this point to join these pieces. Picture Step 7 Complete the macramé with a final knot, knotting all eight strands of cotton twine together. TIP: to figure out where to place the final knot, I held the candle jar settled in, and knotted where I thought it would look good to sit. Picture STEP 8 I had four air plants and empty candle jars, so I repeated the steps to make four macramé hangers. If you are making more than one, I found it really helpful to place the first next to the others, to mimic the knot placement. That way, when hung, they are all knotted at the same level. If you want to go with different heights, don’t worry about this, and place knots where you feel! Picture Picture Cheers!
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