
Domestic Violence Prevention Grants Now Available

Community groups can now apply for grants to help develop and test new ways to prevent domestic violence and support victims and their families.

Government announced today, Dec. 10, that two types of grants are available to community organizations and groups as part of Standing Together, a provincial action plan to prevent domestic violence.

One of the grants will provide up to $75,000 per project to help organizations explore, develop and test new ideas.

The other grant will make up to $10,000 available for projects that raise awareness of domestic violence and encourage people and communities to get involved and take action.

“Over the next few years, we’ll work with community organizations to build Standing Together,” said Kelly Regan, minister responsible for the Advisory Council on the Status of Women. “What we learn from these projects will be an important part of our work to develop this plan together so women can build better, safer lives for themselves and their families.

“Through the deep experience that exists in our communities, we can build on what works and develop new approaches.”

The knowledge gained from these projects will be used to help develop Standing Together.

Organizations can apply for these grants starting today, Dec. 10, until Jan. 31.

Applications and information on Standing Together and the grants are available at .

Source: Release

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