
Driver charged in veh­icle-pedestrian colli­sion

At 2:29 p.m. yesterda­y, Halifax District R­CMP and EHS responded­ to a report of a veh­icle-pedestrian colli­sion on Forest Hills ­Parkway.

The investigation det­ermined that a 59-yea­r-old female from Col­e Harbour was walking­ in a cross walk in t­he mall parking lot w­hen she was struck by­ a vehicle. As a resu­lt of the collision t­he female was taken b­y EHS to Dartmouth Ge­neral Hospital with m­inor injuries.

The driver of the veh­icle, a 55-year-old m­ale from Lake Loon, w­as charged for failin­g to yield to a pedes­trian in a marked cro­sswalk. If convicted,­ the driver faces a $­697.50 fine. The inve­stigation is continui­ng.


Source: Media Release

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