
Eating On The Run

I really need to go grocery shopping.  Bad.  As in, we have a huge bag of frozen blueberries,parsnips, coffee, various granola bars and nut buttters in the house and that is it.  I managed to make a decent bowl of oats for breaky yesterday but they were just PB&J so I won’t bore you with the deets. 🙂

Sadly, I am almost out of my favourite Superfruit crack. I love Asia, mmm raspberries.  That is going on the grocery list!

Lunch time rolled around and I had limited choices. The thought of Subway makes me want to hurl.  Time for a break from my regular 6” veggie.  Since I had cash on me (which I rarely do, I’m plastic girl all the way) I decided on Tim Horton’s. I was hoping for a bowl of chicken noodle soup but that wasn’t available. Instead I got a ham & swiss sammie

I’m never afraid to be picky and ask the server for changes to the way my food is prepared.  It’s actually drilled in my head.  Swap out the fatty Tim’s Sauce (ranch dressing) and chose whole wheat bread.  The meat is still processed and high in sodium but efforts were made the healthify it. 🙂

With a side of yogurt and berries.  These taste a little too good to be true but I can’t seem to find the ingredient list online.  It was tasty but I have a feeling that everything was sweetened.

And, I most definitely passed on their disgusting coffee. :-X

For Supper I met up with Mel at the Ramada.  I’ll be the first to admit that I was feeling carby.  We split the Wild Mushroom Bruschetta.

Fresh baked foccacia garlic bread topped with oyster, portobello and shiitake mushrooms, smoked gouda cheese and oven roasted tomatoes.

It was the highlight of the meal. Delish!!


My main course was a personal pan pizza and garden saladA crispy collection of fresh salad greens, crunchy vegetables, flavorful dried cranberries and toasted sunflower seeds. Balsamic dressing on the side.

7” Vegetarian Pizza – Fresh mushrooms, green peppers, red onions and tomatoes topped with mozzarella cheese.    It was good but I was a bit disappointed in the lack of veggies on a veggie pizza.

I did try to make good choices food-wise and managed to have a semi decent day.I woke up feeling very bloated this morning, even after drinking lots of water. :( 

The Lifemark information session was great!  We got some wonderful information from an RD, basically the deets of proper nutrition to fuel your body for running – pre and post.  Hands on exercise demonstration from a Physiotherapist on how to properly stretch your muscles after running. And, the final session was given by a Pedorthist – all about determining out foot type and how to get properly fitted for sneakers.  The sessions was really informative. Longer than I expected though and near the end my eyes were getting droopy.  I left with tons of hand outs and I’m hoping to prepare a more detailed post on my Team Myles blog over the weekend.

I got in the door around 9pm, what a loooooong day!  A little surprise was waiting for me…..we won’t be discussing the reasons behind the flowers, but let’s just say they were definitely appropriate.   


Back tonight with a detailed post about how I am getting focused on me again.

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