
Either Extremely Fashion Forward or a Little 80′s Porn Star

Ally: I would wager that my bucket list differs from the majority of people. Not that I think I`m unique or anything, just that I`m secure in the knowledge that I might possibly have the worst taste ever. And yet, I`ve tricked you into reading a fashion blog that I co-operate. Who`s the sucker? Kidding of course. So, bucket list. My list includes such things as:

  1. Being Britney Spears EA for a day. Just a day. That’s all I’d need. I’d paint her toes, fetch her frapachinos (spl? Whatevs). I’d get to go to her concert as well.
  2. Being a contestant on the Amazing Race with my oldest friend Steph. We’d either be hilarious, or terrifyingly dumb.
  3. Attend a week-long cooking school in Italy. Ok, this might be on many people’s bucket list, but I seriously need the help. The other day I burnt Jello. On an aside, does anyone want to help me bake a cake for my soon-to-be one year old boy? Again, burnt jello. Require assistance.

Another thing on my bucket list was to one day have red hair. Not half-assed red hair (like, “strawberry blonde highlights” which I’ve totally had in the past), but full on Christina Hendricks red hair.


Some of her other assets would be nice to have as well. That’s a whole other post that Eden should probably write (only because Eden goes there, I mean, she talked about getting a bikini wax during her Dress like Gaga post…loved it).

I can officially check this one off the bucket list.

Off I trotted to Vibe Salon in Bedford yesterday to see Barrett (who is the loveliest, most talented stylist you could meet).  I brought a couple of photos (one of Ashlee Simpson…I know. Cringe) and we decided to go for it. Full on. No baby foils, do the whole head of hair. Barrett was kind enough to take a before picture:

Upon looking at this photo. I really miss my blonde hair…

After many hours, and a lecture from an impatient husband, I arrived home to show Neighbourhood Bestie Melissa (who took the after photo):


So, yah. The colour is pretty dramatic. Which I guess is fitting. Barrett did a great job, no question, but I’m not sure if I’m meant to be a redhead. I love the blond, but the constant root attention drove me a bit batty. This certainly isn’t subtle, and I’m not sure whether I look more avant garde in the hair department or if I look more stripper who’s taking a brief leave from Vegas and setting up shop in the ‘burbs. Judging by my husband’s little smirk when I came home last night I’m thinking possibly the latter.

Speaking of Neighbourhood Bestie Melissa. She’s off to her first day of school. She’s hotter than the teachers on Glee (she teaches math and band, for real, we need her in the Glee Challenge). Check out her back-to-school outfit.

Smokin’. Also, Melissa just got back from a shopping venture in the States. She’s going to guest blog about her purchases. Should be a novel based on the bags she brought home.

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