Hello all….
As you no doubt know, Linda Mosher and Steve Adams, two long-serving councillors were re-elected in our area during the October 20th municipal election. Here is the breakdown of the vote numbers, as taken from the halifax.ca website:
District 9:
John Abati – 395
Richard MacLean – 2,688
Linda Mosher – 4,946
John Wimberly – 699
District 10:
Steve Adams – 3,011
Peter Grabosky – 676
Jim Hoskins – 1,072
Tom Lavers – 1,409
Also, tonight there’s a meeting at the Captain William Spry Community Centre to talk about the extension of water and sewage to Purcells Cove. Info below:
Planning and Engineering Feasibility Study:
Extension of Central Sewer, Water and Stormwater Systems, Purcell’s Cove
Date: Monday, October 29, 2012
Time: 7 p.m. – 9 p.m.
Location: Captain William Spry Community Centre, Multi-purpose Room
16 Sussex Street, Spryfield
HRM has commissioned CBCL Limited consultants to work with staff and the Community in
preparing a feasibility study and associated costs for the potential extension of central sewer,
water and stormwater systems throughout Purcell’s Cove. The results of this study will be
submitted to HRM Council for their information and decision regarding any potential extension
of piped services in the Community. The focus of the Open House is to discover the Community’s aspirations regarding future growth, in the event that future servicing system alternatives are considered for the Purcell’s Cove area. Information displays on a variety of features about the natural and built environment will be available for comment. The results of this Open House will assist the Community Steering Committee with their mandate of providing advice to staff and the Consultant on matters such as land use and community form, possible servicing system alternatives, and size of potential area(s) to be serviced.
The Halifax Media Co-op is reporting that residents, who are opposed to the extension of service, have called upon mayor elect Mike Savage to attend the meeting.