
Eleven motorists charged for impaired driving over Labour Day weekend, Bible Hill, N.S.

The Nova Scotia RCMP Traffic Services unit conducted a special Labour Day weekend enforcement initiative that resulted in eleven impaired driving charges and numerous other infractions.

From September 4 to 7, the Nova Scotia RCMP Traffic Services unit conducted a total of 28 strategic checkpoints in eight different counties in an effort to crack down on impaired driving.

The initiative resulted in a total of eight Impaired by Alcohol and three Impaired by Drug charges.

‘The Nova Scotia RCMP Traffic Services program is a provincial policing priority’ says RCMP Cst. Heidi Stevenson. ‘It is our job to help reduce the number of fatal collisions and serious injuries that occur on Nova Scotia roadways, especially those that occur due to impaired driving.’

In addition to the 11 impaired driving charges, the following charges were also issued:

-16 seven-day license suspensions
-20 revoked / suspended / non-licensed driver charges
-3 Criminal Code of Canada charges
-80 summary offence tickets

Nova Scotia RCMP reminds citizens that driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol puts everyone in danger. If you witness a case of impaired driving, or have information on an impaired driver, please call 911 and report it.

Source: Release

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