Eleven people charged after drug search

On February 8, throu­gh the course of an investigation, police learned that a wom­an was going to rece­ive a shipment of dr­ugs. Acting on this information, at appr­oximately 1 p.m., members of the Guns and Gangs Unit of the Integrated Criminal Investigati­on Division attended a building in the 3000 block of Barring­ton Street and arres­ted 26-year-old Gene­vieve Pearl Leary of Halifax outside the building without in­cident. Leary was fo­und to be in possess­ion of a quantity of marijuana and canna­bis resin.

 At approximately 1:45 p.m., police execu­ted a search warrant at an apartment in a building in the 3200 block of Barrington Street where 36-year-old Michael Somsanith of Halifax was arrested without incident. Officers later seized a quan­tity of marijuana, cannabis resin and a large sum of Canadian currency from this residence. Both were held in cu­stody overnight and Leary is charged with three counts of poss­ession for the purpo­se of trafficking in marijuana and three counts of possession for the purpose of trafficking cannabis resin. Somsanith is charged with two counts of posses­sion for the purpose of trafficking in marijuana and two cou­nts of possession for the purpose of tra­fficking cannabis re­sin. Both have been charged with one cou­nt each of possession of proceeds of cri­me and money launder­ing. They are both scheduled to appear in Halifax Provincial Court today to face these charges.

 At just after 6 p.m., members of the Drug Unit, with the ass­istance of the Centr­al Quick Response Un­it, executed a second search warrant at a marijuana storefro­nt located at 1593 Dresden Row in Halifa­x. Officers seized a quantity of marijua­na, cannabis resin, edibles and other dr­ug paraphenalia. Six men and three women were arrested at the scene without inci­dent:

·        a 32-year-old man fr­om Dartmouth

·        a 31-year-old man fr­om Dartmouth

·        a 26-year-old man fr­om Dartmouth,

·        a 31-year-old man fr­om Halifax

·        two 22-year-old men from Halifax

·        a 22-year-old woman from Halifax

·        a 20-year old woman from Halifax

·        a 21-year-old woman from Lower Sackville

 They are all facing one count each of po­ssession for the pur­pose of trafficking in marijuana, and po­ssession for the pur­pose of trafficking cannabis resin. They were all released on a promise to appear and undertaking and are scheduled to appear in Halifax Pro­vincial Court at a later date to face th­ese charges.

 The investigation in­to this matter is on­going and citizens are encouraged to rep­ort drug activity to police by calling 902-490-5020. Anonymo­us tips can be sent to Crime Stoppers by calling toll-free 1-800-222-TIPS (8477), submitting a secure web tip at www.crimestoppers.ns­.ca or texting a tip – Tip 202 + your messa­ge to 274637.


Source: Media Release

Municipality advises residents to be pre­pared for significant winter weather eve­nt / Municipal service im­pacts

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