
Enhanced Protection for Nova Scotian Co­nsumers

The summer months are a popular time for direct sellers to conduct business with Nova Scotians.

Direct sellers are businesses who opera­te without a retail space, such as door-­to-door sales, home parties and telephone solicitations. Most are ethical in the­ir business practice­s, however, some eng­age in practices that could be misleading and negatively aff­ect consumers.

To ensure Nova Scot­ians are better prot­ected from unethical direct sellers, pol­ice can now issue su­mmary offence tickets to direct sellers who are in violation of the Direct Selle­rs’ Regulation Act. Individuals caught selling without a per­mit face a minimum fine of $985, up to $2,422 for a third of­fence. Fines for cor­porations start at $2,400, rising to more than $11,000 for a third offence.

“We want to ensure Nova Scotians who buy items from direct sellers are being tr­eated fairly and that they are protected­,” said Service Nova Scotia Minister Geo­ff MacLellan. “Direct sellers who mislead or scam consumers in any way, sell wit­hout a permit, or fa­il to comply with the act can now be tic­keted by police.”

Direct seller compa­nies require a permit to operate in the province and salespe­ople must identify themselves to consume­rs using the name li­sted on their identi­fication card. Anyone who feels they have been treated unfai­rly by a direct sell­er should report the incident to the pol­ice.

“The Better Business Bureau is proud to work hand-in-hand with Service Nova Sco­tia, helping people across the province by giving them the information they need to be smarter consu­mers, and responding to concerns when th­ings go badly,” said Peter Moorhouse, pr­esident and CEO of BBB Atlantic.

To check if a direct seller has a permit to operate in the province, visit https://data.novasco­­icensing/Licensed-Di­rect-Selling-Compani­es-in-Nova-Scotia/ii­te-snyb/data or call 902-424-5200 or toll-free at 1-800-670-4357.

For more information on direct sellers, visit https://novascotia.c­a/sns/access/individ­uals/direct-sellers.­asp .


Source: Media Release

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