This week’s episode can be broken up into four parts – The Good, The Bad, The Even Worse, and The Ugly.
Who’s happy that Drama decided to do Johnny’s Bananas? Obviously, we all knew he’d sign on eventually – they wouldn’t have wasted so much time on the idea only for him to turn it down. Predictability aside, Drama agreeing to do the show turned out to be the best storyline of the episode. I loved all the work that Phil put into his meeting with Drama, only for Drama to agree to do the show without ever seeing the totally decked out boardroom. The best part, though, was the interaction between Drama and E’s assistant, Jen. I want to see more of her character.
Drama poured his heart out to Jen about his failed career, his condo foreclosure and his fears that everyone was laughing at him. He even admitted that he’d started to come around on the idea but was too embarrassed to change his mind on the project. It was nice to see a moment of vulnerability from Drama, and I think everyone could relate. Who hasn’t overreacted to something and then held your ground long after you realized you were wrong out of embarrassment? The question is, did Jen convince Drama to do the show because she wanted to help him, because she wanted to help E, or because she wanted to help her career? I’m guessing all of the above. I like to think it wasn’t a completely selfish move, especially because I love Johnny’s Bananas. And I hope HBO will use my idea (because I’m sure I’m the only one who’s thought of this, and I’m sure bigwigs at HBO read this blog…) and turn Johnny’s Bananas into a web show.
Ari! Ari completely lost it this week and ended up doing more damage to both his career and his personal life than the leaked tapes ever could have. After seeing Amanda Daniels having dinner with the NFL people, he spiraled into a public rage. After screaming at her in a fancy restaurant, in front of his wife and the NFL, Amanda told Ari that it was actually her former assistant (a former employee of Ari’s) had actually been the one to leak the tapes, and that she was working on getting him back involved with the NFL. Whoops.
I found it a little hard to believe that Amanda was on Ari’s side after everything that had happened, but I loved his public outburst. Ari’s temper is one of the hilarious things about his character, but it was a great change in dynamic to see that rage hurt himself this time, not others. He ruined his reputation (further) AND humiliated his wife (even more). I can’t wait to see where they’ll go with this in the finale.
Turtle. Ari’s behavior was bad, but Turtle’s storyline was boring and that’s even worse. I’m so over this tequila company, and I’m so over Turtle thinking he can run a business and then failing. How long was he in school for? And how high was he when he took those classes? He doesn’t seem any smarter now than he did when he first arrived in L.A.
Turtle keeps trying to run the tequila company even though it isn’t his company to run (and is he even on the payroll?) and in a bizarre twist of fate, he seems to have lost the company to a football player. Or something. The plot has become so convoluted and boring that I don’t really care. Do you? And I am not sensing much chemistry between Turtle and Alex either, I miss Jamie Lynn.
“Vince doesn’t look so good,” Ari’s wife said when they bumped into Vince and Sasha at dinner. Hmm, perhaps that has something to do with the giant bag of cocaine Lloyd found at Vince’s house. I loved that Lloyd was the one to make that discovery. Things are tense between Vince and Sasha too – he managed to get her a part in his superhero franchise, but she wants to do the porn film as well. Where she gets gang-banged. By five men. One of whom is her ex-fiancee. Fighting ensued, followed by sex in the bathroom. Classy.
Things are not looking good for Vince, but how will this wrap up in the season finale? A car wreck? And embarrassing arrest? An overdose?