It’s that special time of week again. Friday evening, whooohoo! Another busy work week that went by in a flash. I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m not properly managing my time because I’m starting to feel like a chicken running around with it’s head chopped off.
I’m feeling really stressed about the running and am having a hard time following the schedule provided. After a lot of thought I’ve decided to follow the Running Room one along with continuing to participate in the group runs. It’s my first time training for a half and trying to follow the recommended schedule made me feel like it was unattainable The other schedule has me running a lot mileage and is very unrealistic (for me) at this point. I work full time, live outside the city, am trying to keep house and maintain a bit of a social life. It’s hard. I’ve had success with other RR schedules and was planning to follow this one before so I’m going back. After all, I should feel good about the running and not stressed. I am debating whether or not I should mention this to our couch because I really don’t want anyone to think I’m ungrateful for the opportunity. Any thoughts on that?
And, since this is turning out to be one of those posts I might as well get this off my chest too. Me = Weight Loss FAIL. I can’t seem to stick to anything anymore – tracking calories, counting points. Nada. I am so mad at myself. My pants are tight, my skin is gross and in general I’m cranky. I’ve been turning to foods for comfort in the stress and I know it. I’ve gained a bit of weight and it’s making me uncomfortable but at the same time I can’t seem to find that old motivation that was so prevalent these past few years. All I can do is try and take it one day at a time.
A bit of sunshine surely can’t hurt the situation though… hear that Mr. Sun? Come out please!!!!
Wow, does it every feel awesome to say all that out loud.
On to a lighter subject…. my yummy lunch. I love having tacos for dinner because that means taco salad in my lunch the next day!
The “filling” includes extra lean ground beef, kidney beans, taco seasoning, bell peppers & onions. Spread on a bed of organic baby spinach and topped with spicy salsa and a bit of grated cheddar cheese.
I know, beans again right?! 🙂 I’m getting to the point where I could probably just use the beans, veggies & seasoning and not miss the meat at all. Served with a handful of organic stoned wheat crackers, making it a very satisfying meal.
Earlier in the morning I snacked on this tasty Everyone’s Organic Cranberry Bar. I’ve had these before and loved ‘em. Honeybar also produces these bars and they included box of mixed Everyone’s Organic’s with the other samples they sent.
If you haven’t already, click here to enter the Honeybar Giveaway. I’ve got a whole box of assorted bars just waiting for someone. These guys are gooooooood! Promise. 🙂
Moving on to Supper. ‘Twas a pizzie night.
Store bought thin crust with tomato paste, oregano, crushed red pepper, genoa salami, red & yellow peppers, onions & mushrooms – on my half only.
We are now relaxing for the evening. I’m going to get in a good night’s sleep and then the only plans for the weekend are a 10K early tomorrow morning, MEGA housecleaning, spending time with the hubster and packaging up my crossborder food exchange. TGIF peeps!