
Falling in Love: My Secret Ingredient

This year, I’ve really undergone a food revolution of sorts. When I once used to be clumsy in the kitchen, I now take pride in using fresh, seasonal, and local produce to make food that is full of flavour for my family. I have been meal planning, grocery shopping, and cooking dinners during the week for my family. This sounds like something most stay-at-home Moms would do, but this is actually quite new for me.

So, when Sobeys, a national food retailer, asked me to sit on their Better Food Lovers panel, I jumped at the opportunity. Not only will I have more opportunities to write, but I will also be encouraged to eat! (And in my world, writing and eating go hand in hand. Just ask that full sleeve of Arrowroot cookies that I just ingested).

I promise, everything I write will be true to me and carry on this story that I have been telling you for the past three years. Because food has become something more than just calories and fat. It has become an integral part of how I love my family.

Today, my first post is up on the Sobeys Love Better Food blog. I’d really love it if you would visit me over there. Here’s a taste:

We were young, newly married and pregnant. My dinner choice that evening had been as gourmet as it came with me: a bowl of cereal. It wasn’t that I couldn’t cook, just that I didn’t cook. I had no confidence in my ability to make a meal. My husband was always the foodie in our relationship. Our first date had us falling in love over sushi; a first for me. From that point on, he was the chef. He started cooking for me, incorporating foods I had never worked with. Rarely, I would make him a dish, but that was special and meticulously planned and stressed over. Otherwise, I gave up the reigns. My husband showed me he loved me by cooking, and I let him lavish it on. [Read the rest]

Falling in Love: My Secret Ingredient

Cooking with Dan in the earliest of our relationship.

Comments will be closed on this blog today, but make sure you comment over here and let me know what your secret ingredient is when it comes to loving better food.

Also Related: If you’re on Twitter (and if you are, you should definitely be following me, @LauraORourke. Make sure to give me a shout so I know you’re a reader and I can follow you back), consider this your personal invitation to the #LoveSobeys Twitter Party on Wednesday, September 19 at 9pm ET (or, 10pm my time). Up to $1000 in Sobeys gift cards are up for grabs and each tweet gives you a chance to win! I’ll be there and it will give us an opportunity to get to know each other better!

Disclosure: As a member of the Sobeys Food Lovers program I do receive special perks but as always, the views, opinions, and stories are entirely my own.


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