
Fashion Designers Say the Darndest Things

L-A: I don’t buy Vogue as often as you’d expect a fashion blogger to buy it. I mean, I like it and all and possibly should be reading it more often for the inspiration, but $4.99/month? That’s one drink each month at my favourite happy hour in town. The affordable, yet totally drinkable wine often wins. But when I’m travelling, I usually treat myself to a Vogue and read all the articles because I have a ton of time to kill, seeing as how I’m strapped into a seat for two or more hours. Point being, I bought Vogue on the recent long weekend and was hoping to find some inspiration inside.

Fashion Designers Say the Darndest Things

And hoo boy! Did I ever! Some of it will come in later posts, but today? Today is not the sort of inspiration you’d expect a fashion blogger to take from the leading fashion magazine. But here it is folks…wait for it…


Pants are literally back in Vogue. We’ll talk about those sneakers another day, Marc Jacobs.

Yes! Pants are the new skirt. Dig those trousers out of storage ladies, because the world of fashion says they are back.

Okay, before you call the fashion police on me, I get it. Important Designers haven’t been doing pants much lately – it’s been about the skirt or the dress. So for designers to start focusing on the trousers it’s totally something that warrants being a three page article in Vogue. However, it’s one of those moments when I remember just how crazy bananapants out of touch designers are with the real world. Because I’m pretty sure the real world has been wearing pants all along. Maybe one day Miuccia Prada, a “bellwether” according to Vogue, was out amongst the people and noticed just how many pairs of pants were on the streets. I mean, something had to tip her to the side of the pants. Because this is what she has to say about them:

I am convinced by trousers.

Honestly, I couldn’t make that quote up if I tried. But there it is on page 102. I could cite it with various style guides and it would be legit. Miuccia Prada is convinced by trousers. In her bellwether books, dresses have “become too trendy” and she is now “convinced by trousers.”

I’ll give you a moment to giggle. Because she actually said that in an interview.

Actually, it’s not just designers, but the entire article is a wee bit of out of touch with reality. It goes on to say that there’s been an

…unexpected incidence of chinos, cargo pants, denims. All of these generics, possibly lurking in wardrobes from a casual moment three years ago…

I’m sorry, what? Denim was a casual moment three years ago? I clearly suck at this fashion thing.

Moving on to the meat of the article: pants are quite literally back in Vogue. But not just any pants. From what I’m reading, the style of the trouser isn’t the issue so long as it’s short enough to bare your ankle and show off your shoes. I greet this style news with both excitement (because I’ve been doing that with my jeans on warmer days) and fear (do we really need stores to start carrying a wide array of flood pants? I vote no).


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