L-A: We were thinking of ways we can make the blog more local. So, in addition to visiting the NSCAD Wearable Art (photos coming soon), I decided to cover local hot button issues. Like the coyote bounty.
I know, crickets. No, I’m not going to explain the issue or even give you my opinion. Instead, I decided to use it to give our post a theme: coyote fashion. So I thought, What Would Tyra Banks Do? And this is what I came up with:
So maybe not. (But I bet some of you were wondering what the government was planning to do with those pelts. Now you have your answer: hats!). So then I had to think outside of the proverbial box. If I were a minion of Anna Wintour, how would I turn coyotes into a fashion shoot? That led me to Coyote Ugly. A ten year old movie where a girl moves to New York with big dreams and ends up dancing on a bar with Tyra Banks.
Not exactly inspired, is it? Which is why it also led me to giving Ally an icy glare and telling her to style my imaginary photo shoot.
AllyG: I’m not gonna lie. Every time this movie is on cable, I watch it.
When I was playing soccer at UKC, a few of teammates and I recreated that scene at soccer nationals in Kamloops. It resulted in me receiving several love emails from a male soccer player who had recently moved to Canada from Switzerland, and was now playing in BC. The special thing about these notes is that they often quoted The Moffatts. I kid you not, this song in particular:
This was when email was quite new, so my teammates and I would sit around the computer in hysterics at what was sure to be a weak moment in this young man’s life.
Back to the movie clip, I have no idea what language that is, but it doesn’t take away from the beauty that is the film. One of the great motion pictures of our time. This is a fab theme for a Fave Friday post, so golf claps to L-A. When I asked my lovely co-blogger what exactly was “coyote ugly” style, she informed me via DM on twitter that, “apparently it is a lot of denim & leather.” Ok! I can run with this! Particularly as I have been having an internal debate over whether to purchase denim shorts for the summer. I threw the question out to the twitterverse and Natalie gave the best (and only) answer, stating that denim shorts are, “Only acceptable if you are a teenage werewolf. (Or built like one).” Shit.
Still, I am not convinced that I should not own a pair of cut-offs. After not getting the assistance I required from Twitter, I asked myself, “WWSD”? For you long-time readers, you know that means, “What would Sienna Do?”.
Why Sienna would trot about NYC this week sporting a pair of Twenty8Twelve denim cut-offs. These might be a bit too short. That is being polite to my Bff Sienna. I’m more inclined to seek the Madewell shorts that Jessica Stam is wearing in Vogue’s March 2010 issue, in the article, Straight from the Hip.
A little research shows me that the shorts are Denim Midi Shorts in Eastwood. A little more research indicated that there are several Madewell locations in California. FURTHERMORE, L-A is going to California on vacation soon. To sum, a good co-blogger will pick up these shorts for the other lonely co-blogger living in the ‘burbs dreaming of denim shorts that fit just so.
Case closed! (I actually just wanted an excuse to play that theme song. Love that theme song.)
Looking at more Coyote Ugly movie stills, I see that bustiers are a big theme. This is also good as I am completely coveting the bustier I saw from Veronica MacIsaac’s collection at the Redken Fashion Showcase, modeled by Sisley He.
Source – (Brent McCombs is a photographer based in Halifax. His site is full of amazing fashion photography. He has kindly allowed us to use his work to showcase local talent on the blog. Bless him with boxes of wine.)
L-A met with Veronica this year, and we’ve been meaning to get a proper profile put up on the blog. You can expect that over the next couple of weeks, once we touch base with Veronica to get her latest.
Lastly, the leather. I’m not much of a leather girl. I just can’t really get down. I have been back-and-forth on liquid leggings, as we all know.
I know, I know. American Apparel. Some of you love, some of you hate. Me? I’m not a good enough person to boycott. I love their clothes too much. Hate me if you must. You know what? I’m going to suck it up and purchase the shiny leggings. I’ll even post a pic of me in shiny leggings so you can tell me how stupid/fabulous I look depending on how much you like the movie, Grease.
Tell me about it, Stud.
P.S. Crappy Pop Video of the Week. I cannot stop singing this. J’adore this song!