Favourite Friday: April 5 Edition

Ally: So we turned four this week. That’s a miracle! I know we say this each and every year, but it’s completely shocking we haven’t given up on this yet. We give up on everything. Just tonight I asked my parents who were visiting from Digby if they would like to take my son home with them as thanks for mom bringing in some cookies. I think he’d really enjoy wintering in rural Nova Scotia.

Back to us, four is a good age. Four is when you start to really learn your letters, grasp the concept of writing your name, and are hopefully fully potty trained. It’s only fitting that on our birthday week we share the news that have been named members of the Style Council for StyleList Canada. We’ve known for a while and actually have been able to keep it a secret (mostly cause I’m pregnant and haven’t had my typically loose lips post-boxed wine episode). This will bring lots of fun projects, and attractive advertisements on our homepage (please click! It means more wine for all of us at next year’s birthday bash!).

All in all, a fabulous week for a blog that is essentially made up of the following components:

Favourite Friday: April 5 Edition

Now on to Favourites!

I love you Halifax Public Libraries!

The waiting list at HPL previously terrified me, but as I am on a serious Zadie Smith kick, I decided to put my name on the list for NW thinking that I might get access to the book by December 2015. Imagine my surprise when an email arrived in my inbox announcing that the book was mine to keep until April 25th!



I’m finishing up White Teeth tonight and will start NW over the weekend. Cannot wait. Also, how beautiful is Zadie Smith? I kind of love that she has interviewed both Eminem and Jay Z.

Favourite Friday: April 5 Edition


 Pepsi Commercial Nostalgia

I like Beyonce. I don’t know if we would be friends in real-life (I feel like I’d always have to brush my hair before she came over to visit), but I enjoy her music and flailing around my hands to Countdown. No doubt she will go down as a legend, but her efforts of late have led me to head tilt a bit and compare her to others. Such was the case with her most recent outing: The Weird-ass Pepsi Commerical. Join me in the land of confusion and underwhelment (a new word I made up just today!):

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How about Pepsi saves their money and just keep replaying the Britney ad from a thousand years ago?

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 Still effective.

Feeling Kim K’s Pain

While I think being famous would have tons of perks, being in the public eye while navigating maternity fashion would be the ultimate nightmare. Listen, I’m a feminist, I think the pregnant body is beautiful and all. It’s just pretty much impossible to dress sexy when your clothes are appearing to hide a beach ball around your mid-section. While I don’t think Kim Kardashian necessarily deserves her fame, I can relate to the difficult task of having to dress yourself and head outside when you would rather wear your husband’s sweatpants from 1996 and do jazz hands to Justin Timberlake’s Mirrors while shoving cheesecake in your mouth.



Even Kim Kardashian doesn’t look like she’s Kenjoying the above outfit. If we were friends (and it would be more likely that I’d find more in common with Kim rather than a Beyonce), I’d tell her to stop trying so hard. It’s totally cool to wear the same pair of skinny maternity jeans a couple of days a week as long as you wash them (or just tell everyone you’re washing them). You’re pregnant, enjoy it. Don’t listen to your stylist who tells you that you should show off your glorious curves by wearing an off the shoulder maxi dress. Hang up the phone, Kim. Turn on the Mirrors and bring out the jazz hands.

Favourite Friday: April 5 Edition


Bama Kicks!

My brand new Bama Kicks have arrived via Fed Ex! Unfortunately they are at a depot in Dartmouth waiting for me to pick them up, but they are in the vicinity! Currently working on plan to bribe husband to head to Burnside to pick them up for me. Will post photo next week of these beauties on my feet. If you’re interested in ordering a pair, head to Famous Stars and Straps.


Crappy Pop Video of the Week

I think I need to dedicate this week’s video to our four year blogging accomplishment. Since I’m completely exhausted, this is all I could come up with.

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If we make it to five years, L-A and I will learn this choreography and break it out at next year’s birthday party. No, I’m kidding, we can barely keep plans to meet for coffee.

 L-A: We’ll also never learn the choreography to anything because I literally have zero sense of rhythm. My co-worker was trying to teach me to dance at a party last week and it was really sad to watch. So it would give Ally serious sads if she had to watch me learn actual steps to a dance. It’s okay. I’ve got other skills. Let’s get down to favourites.

1. StyleList Canada!

Favourite Friday: April 5 Edition


I know Ally mentioned it already, but it really is awesome to get to be a part of this. When we got the email from them, we maybe squee’d a bit. But it a totally grown up, professional lady kind of way.

2. Kate Spade Saturday

So far, I’m really digging this new Kate Spade line. Once you see this dress, you’ll totally understand why.


It’s totally like my current favourite dress! So, of course, I want. For wearing with leggings though – because all the dresses from that line are ridonk short (we’re going to need to discuss dress length soon) and I (a) do not have model shaped legs, (b) am tallish, which means a bit more leg length to cover, and (c) am way too old for super short skirts.

3. H&M Formal Wear?

What? I don’t even know. All I know is that when Helen Hunt hit the Oscars red carpet, my thoughts were “Helen Hunt is relevant again?” and “she’s wearing H&M to the Oscars??”. But apparently you can wear H&M to the Oscars. Check it:

Favourite Friday: April 5 Edition

I like to call this one: Ally’s Dream Dress


I’m going to have more thoughts on this in another post, but this is damn exciting to see affordable formal wear. And comes just in time to answer the question, “what’s in style to wear to a black tie Viennese Opera Ball?” My friends: this. This is what you wear to a Viennese Opera Ball (I’m guessing. It’s the kind of thing I’d want to wear if I had a date and tickets).

4. Couch and desk shopping!

Moving sucks hard for so many reasons, but I’m pretty excited at the idea of shopping for nice, new furniture for reals. And painting walls (all in a really nice white!). I totally feel like a grown up (just in time for our fourth birthday!). I’m looking at Style at Home and actually considering couches. It’s awesome. I can’t wait to get rid of current couch!

5. Coachella is next weekend and I’m not there

This gives me the sads. I’ll be watching the live feed, but not the same. Mostly because you can’t give me the sunshine and heat and dehydration and weirdos while I watch from my desk. For you lucky bitches who are going and are wondering what to wear, here are my pro-tips from last year.

Well, let’s bring on the weekend. We’ll let you know what our birthday plans are soon (they have to be soon – I’m getting out of Dodge in only a few months). It’s as much about celebrating you for reading as it is for celebrating us for not quitting. You’re why we write and we think you’re swell.  So, thanks for the four years and here’s to another four years!

raise a toast with leo

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/FashionablePeople/~3/KxnUtdydpn4/

Simplicity (+ LOFT GIVEAWAY)

Simplicity (+ LOFT GIVEAWAY)

Weekend Wrap-up: April 6-7, 2013