Favourite Friday: August 21 Edition: I Love Anna Wintour’s Hair

L-A: Friday! Already! How the hell did that happen? Time goes by when you’re having fun I guess. Or when you’re at your desk all week feeling about as cool and fresh as a Pig in a Blanket.  That’s not a complaint. That’s just statement that it has been hot lately and that my skin is either stretched beyond recognition (my poor fat feet) or feeling completely greasy. Just saying.  I hit up The Body Shoptoday in hopes that their Tea Tree Oil stuff (on sale!) will help with the oily skin and the breakouts that come with it (the diet pepsi and ketchup chips I’m eating right now will not be helping out). Speaking of oily, you may remember my earlier complaints about my hair feeling oily after washing it. Which brings me to my first favourite thing of the day:


I love juicy shampoo by Lush. I’m not saying it’s the only thing that works to solve the oily hair problem, but it’s definitely doing wonders for mine right now. I actually don’t need baby powder in my hair after using that.

Next favourite thing, theprettiness that is the MoMA premiere of The September Issue:


Sienna gets to hang out with La Wintour for the event because she was the cover girl of the September Issue in question:


I didn’t love her on that cover. Although, I’m pretty sure J.Lau still has the copy of this Vogue (I gave it to her because I couldn’t fit it in my carry-on bag when she was driving me to the airport), which is exciting because I will totally read it again before I see the movie. You know, like reading the book before watching the movie. But let’s back up to that dress Sienna is wearing on the red carpet:


Did it not come one size larger? It looked like she has to stand funny to make sure her boobs stay in her dress. Ah well, looks like fun was had by all. I had to live vicariously through the tweets of The Cut and Womens Wear Daily as it appears that my invite was lost in the mail. There were other celebs there, but do you really care? Non. You do not. You care more about Annaand what Anna wore (Prada. I’m not sure I love it, but fitting that she wore Prada as everyone loves to make “devil wears Prada” references. I bet she loves those. I bet they neverget old). You might also care about how cute Marc Jacobs looked in his Comme des Garçon man skirt and silver shoes:


A bold outfit choice by both Marc and his hubbie to be. I don’t approve of shorts as formal wear on men or women.

But, back to Anna. And her hair. Have I mentioned how much I love her hair?


She has had that hair style for 20 years. 20 years!!


And it still looks great. I’ve decided that my next cut is totally going to be an Anna Wintour cut. I think I just might be able to pull it off. Whether I can keep it for 20 years…well…that’s a whole other question for a different day.

Oh, one other reason to love Anna Wintour, aside from her fab hair:


Vogue staffers all had to wear t-shirts promoting Anna’s Fashion’s Night Out(which, p.s. I would kill to go to. Just seeing the Olsen twins bartend is reason enough). Staffers probably hated her for it, but I love her even more for her authoritarian and draconian edicts. It was for the best really. Those girls look like they were making some questionable fashion choices anyway. What up with the satin PJ pants Staffer on the Right? And with that jacket? Really? You sure you work for Vogue?

Anyway, have a fantastic weekend. Enjoy the possible hurricane (I’m never convinced they’ll hit land around here until they actually do and they break the city). I’m going to stock up on candles and spend the weekend reading my Vogue September Issue (Yes! It is on newsstands now! run. don’t walk. go get your fashion bible).

Stay pretty!



AllyG: If you haven’t noticed, L-A has been carrying the blog on her gorgeous shoulders the last few days while I’ve been flitting about at Doctors appointments and such. I’m so difficult.

I love this post! Sienna and Anna walking the carpet together! Joy! I fully agree re: the last Sienna cover as well as the dress she was wearing. Love the dress, would love it more in a larger size. Although, she’s not pulling a “Serena” just yet. She has killer legs though, eh?


I too bought my Vogue September issue yesterday. It’s sitting on my living room coffee table waiting to be devoured. At this point, I’d like to thank the lovely people who provided me with a massive candy basket to celebrate the pending arrival of BabyG. Your chocolate will not be eaten in vain. It will be savoured over Andre Leon Talley’s pretentious rambles, and I mean that in the best way possible.

Speaking of Andre, did you know he is going to be one of the judges at the next Miss Universe pageant? Is it me? Or is this a little below his typical standards? Perhaps it’s punishment for the abomination he created with J-Hud’s Oscar dress.



AND speaking of September issues,  Glossed Over dot com has a hilarious take on Lucky magazine’s September issue.

Lucky continues its slaughter of the English languageon page 94, trotting out the non-word “splurgier.” Are there fuses in my brain? Because I think one just blew.

The best news story coming out of this week was the Michelle Obama short-short scandal. Have you heard? Hilarious.


Is it me? Or does this woman look like a normal mother with her children? And short-shorts? Please, as someone who has known and worn short-shorts (don’t worry, not in ten years), these, my friends, are not short-shorts.

That’s it for me, my lovelies. Have a fabulous weekend. Pick up Vogue so we can snark together on Monday. Keep cool, and keep pretty.

Ally xoxo

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