
Favourite Friday: December 14 Edition

Ally: It would appear I only post on Fridays now. This will change in 2013. Unless you enjoy only hearing from me once a week then I’ll go cry into a bucket of ice cream.

Do you know that there is basically one work week until the holiday break? Yes. Official Intern Krista reminded us idiots that we should probably get on a Merry Listmas soon. So, since I’m writing it here, we’ll have to do it. You know I can shove a bunch of my awful taste into a virtual stocking.

My favourites for this week do not include Anne Hathaway and her gladiator boots, nor Anne Hathaway and her ungraceful car exit. I wish the Internet would self-implode by reporting on both.

Skylar Grey

I struggled with this one a lot. Not because Skylar Grey doesn’t fall into my favourite category, but because she does so effing easily. My friend Audra questioned me on this when I made Skylar my Facebook cover photo (along with the banner that she had teamed with Eminem), and I didn’t take that lightly, because I respect her opinion a lot.

I’ve been doing some self reflection lately (it’s as heavy as it sounds), and I get that I tend to use this space to snark on celebrities and possibly promoting aspects of pop culture that may be damaging to others. With that said, I do try to steer away from conversations about body image in case it might trigger someone’s personal issues, and I try not to stereotype or stigmatize…but I realize I fail more often than I succeed in this regard. Eminem probably falls into this category.

In short, I’ve loved his music for a long time. When I was younger, and going through things that were extremely challenging and painful, I found some comfort in his anger. I know that sounds weird, trust me I did try Ani diFranco and Untouchable Face sort of hit the mark but Sing for the Moment hit me much deeper. I’m not going to be an Eminem apologist, but it resonated with me, and if you catch me after two glasses of wine I can much more eloquently explain why I don’t think he’s a walking devil. I just killed Favourite Friday’s Happy Vibe. I am officially Debbie Downer.

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So, that was a really long-winded intro to my love for Skylar Grey. I’ve always loved her tough chick exterior and her ability to write amazing pop/hip-hop hooks. Her latest song C’mon let me Ride is a satirical look at the hyper-sexualization of music right now. I get that it’s ironic she puts Eminem in the song, cause hip-hop is basically about turning something as innocuous as a can of tomato soup into a sexy-time object, but I dug it. I even broached the subject with L-A this week, whether posting this video would have me kicked out of the feminist club. She told me to post it cause I liked it, and plus it made fun of Terry Richardson.

It’s not Sing for the Moment, but the chorus is CATCHY.

Real-life Breakup Dance

I’m not sure if I’ve been clear on this before, but I always wished that I had the moxy when I was younger to have brought my gang of girlfriends to a boyfriend’s house to perform an interpretive dance that would announce the termination of our relationship. It never happened. Luckily, I get to watch Selena Gomez and her friends tell Justin Bieber what’s up in a YouTube video. Girls

I’m imagining Lena Dunham reading both of my above favourites and then blocking me access to her show. Please no, Lena! You’re my second favourite after this season’s Dexter! I’m totally late to the game on this, started watching the first season during my stomach flu sick day two weeks ago and I’ve been hooked ever since. Now I’m just watching the trailer for Season Two on repeat.

P.S. Lena Dunham ain’t perfect either. She had that really tasteless joke about Paul Bernardo.

Posh Spice

Nothing made me happier this week than seeing what Posh Spice wore to some Spice Girls musical thing (don’t even care what it is called except that I probably want to go). It wasn’t just what she wore, but it is what she wore in contrast to Ginger Spice. Ginger Spice was officially the lady who overdressed for the party. It was prom 1996.


Loved what Sporty was wearing. Nailed it.

 Crappy Pop Video of the Week

Realizing that I’m getting old isn’t so much about tsk-tsk’ing what the young ladies are wearing these days (although for real teenager girls? It’s -8 outside, PUT ON A JACKET!!), but more about their picks on which teenage dudes to put on top of the teen idol charts. I was perplexed at Justin Bieber, even more so now that he’s trying to lift weights and stuff…creepy…but I’m even more baffled by the likes of Cody Simpson and Austin Mahone. I know you are wondering how I know about these people (L-A’s not), I know because my toddler enjoys watching the “Music Videos for Teens” on Galaxy. These two make horrible appearances. I’m not sure who is worse…actually, yes I am, it’s Cody Simpson (he wins by default because he is/was dating one of the younger Kardashians…Kendall Jenner). Love that Becky G girl in this video though!

Yes, I realize I just went and did it. I made fun of teenage boys after saying I would be more cautious about these types of things. I console myself by saying that they are likely super rich, have tons of people begging to be their friends and frankly couldn’t find a bag of fucks to give on my opinion if they were to spend an afternoon at the local “find a fuck to give” junkyard.


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