
Favourite Friday – December 25th edition: Merry Xmass y’all!

L-A: Hands down, my favourite Christmas memory is chasing vodka with orange Fanta on a beach in Ghana and looking for sea turtles late at night on Christmas Eve/early Christmas morning. We didn’t see any sea turtles and I don’t recommend chasing Russian Bear vodka with Orange Fanta, but it was still good times.

Even the hangover and spending most of my day asleep in a hammock was good times. Merry Xmass (as they had written everywhere in Accra) to those crazy YIIP kids, wherever you may be (San Diego, Halifax, GodKnowsWhere).

Anyway, not to get too nostalgic with y’all, but it’s Christmas Day and I’m probably eating chocolates for breakfast and arguing with the husband over whether the potatoes should be boiled or mashed (Newfoundland versus Ontario! Every year!), so happy Christmas and here’s my all time favourite Christmas song:

Best “carol” ever? Yes, yes it is. I think Matt Dillon was born to play the role of New York Cop #1. And I love the oversized menswear look on Kirsty McColl. May this be the year I get myself some bitchin brogues or saddle shoes and learn not to hate shoulder pads so much.


We love all of you readers, each and every one of you. Seriously. We do love you. We started this blogging thing on a whim and we keep it up because you’re reading it. So Merry Christmas, Happy belated Hannukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, and I hope you enjoyed airing grievances at your Festivus celebrations. You’re the best.

And just so you don’t think we’re complete saps, Lauren and Andrew have tips on how to have a creepier Christmas (it involves making your own Santa):

Things might be quiet around here for the next week or so, but we’ll be back in full swing in the New Year to bring you fashionable people, questionable things, shoe porn and more crappy pop videos than you can shake a stick at. And hopefully we’ll do some more collaborating with the awesome folks at Haligonia. When we do, it’ll be Rodarte and Target big (or something).

Enjoy the holidays!

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