Editors note: L-A will be unable to join us today. She’s taking a well-deserved day off. Ok, she just can’t take any more of my music videos.
AllyG: Ugh. I’ve got to stop binge-eating. I do this all the time. I forget to eat throughout the day in between playing with BabyG and putting him down for his naps. I just looked at the clock and it’s 2pm and I realize I am STARVING so Chef Boyardee and Ruffle chips have been tossed down the chute in under one minute. I know, gross, but my husband didn’t make me a sandwich this morning. Yes, I just wrote that. For the record, I do make him lunch from time to time as well. When this happens he calls me from work to complain about how I didn’t make it right uttering such niceties as, “how can you fuck up a sandwich?”
This is all to say that my stomach feels not so hot so I needed some visual altoids which I got in the form of this blog post from one of our fave sites, The Coveted. Jennine (founder of The Coveted) took a tour through Nine West in NYC to have a peek at their Fall 2010 collection. Here’s my faves from her post:
I know, I know, you’re thinking that I am obsessed with the ankle boots. Well, “friends”, would you rather me focus on this:
I thought not. Check out Jennine’s full post for more from Nine West. Our Official FPQT Intern Eden will love the boots on display.
It was also New York Fashion Week Fall 2010, and while we’re likely going to provide an intense (or as intense as we get here at FPQT) look at the best and worst next week, I was sort of disapointed with Anna Sui. Fashion Magazine tweeted that her collection was, “bohemian meets chic” so I figured I would be all over it.
Yah. Not so much. Love the tights, but that’s about it. It seems sort of try-hard-ish. I get that this is sort of a layperson’s critique, but here me out.
I like the pieces on their own, but thrown together it feels like too much thought went into it. I’m of two minds, either you take a lot of time to get ready and therefore should look like it, a la Oscar de la Renta:
Or you’re going for the effortless look a la Sophie Théallet:
Am I making sense here? I just felt like maybe Anna Sui came off like a whole lot of Mischa Barton.
See? Try hard. End of class.
The one designer I am loving for Fall 2010 is Milly.
Innocent with a little dash of the hard stuff. Sort of like Mommy’s “orange juice” in the mornings. Ha! ha! No, no, I jokes, I jokes.
I can just see myself prancing off to playgroup donning that tam. “No, BabyG, don’t touch that lady’s Le Chateau purse. It’s dirty“
Let’s get to what you really came here for, the crappy pop video of the week. Now, I have no idea what this song is about, but there’s some good booty shaking going on. Serve it up, Rihanna.
Enjoy the weekend, bitches!