
Favourite Friday: January 9 Edition

Ally: I’m pretty proud of myself. This week I actually went out and purchased grown-up clothes that I coveted instead of paying cash money for inappropriate clothing online that even my seven month old daughter is too old to wear.

2014 is looking up, my friends.


This news kicks off the week of Favourites (and one, I Cannot Do It Anymore Miley Cyrus).

Buying clothes like a boss

Wendy from Biscuit General Store touched base via Twitter after reading about my love of the label MinkPink (Twitter? I owe you one). She told me that not only does Biscuit carry MinkPink, but they have tons of it on sale, y’all. So I did the responsible thing and dragged my four year old into a clothing store cutting it precariously close to the time we were due to be at a medical appointment. I felt this was a “teachable moment” on time management for young Master G.

Click here to view the embedded video.

Not only did we make the appointment on time, but I walked away with two excellent additions for my closet.

Let me introduce you to the Rising Dawn Dress from MinkPink…

To be clear, I now have an actual boho item in my closet (one that I can actually wear out in real life).

The above dress was on sale, which meant that I should have no guilt whatsoever for purchasing the following sexy secretary skirt from MinkPink for full price…

It’s actually called “The Boss” skirt, which is almost as good as “Sexy Secretary” and probably less demeaning.

Enjoyable, yet not educational, reading.

I won’t tell a lie, I quite enjoy the Bridget Jones series. This means I was very excited when El Jeffe gave me the latest book for Christmas. I devoured it as quickly as possible.


So, sure, it’s not going to win any literature prizes and the focus on weight, appearance etc. made my evolving feminist head hurt, but the book was a page turner best enjoyed with a glass of boxed wine. The formula for relaxation right here.

Searching Pinterest for “leather pants street style”.

No, really, this is an actual favourite activity of mine lately. I do this now. Often. I can’t tell you how much I want leather pants, and even more, how much I want to have places to go that I could wear leather pants. I wonder if Kate Moss debates whether a certain location is leather-pants-worthy. I bet she doesn’t. Kate Moss is like, “Fuck that shit. I’ll be wearing my leather pants today.” I want to be Kate Moss.

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