Favourite Friday: July 12 Edition

Ally: If the week could be summed up in a song, it would be this one.

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Or any other Colbie Caillat song. The sun was non-stop. Even though most of us got to enjoy the view of the sun from behind our desks, it still made for fun evening times sitting on the back deck and reading a good novel. Which brings me to my Favourites for the week.

Favourite Book: Gone Girl

Favourite Friday: July 12 Edition


My neighbour L lent this to me a few weeks ago, but I just got around to opening it and reading it this week. Could not put it down, and by “could not put it down” I meant I binge read it on the back deck. Here’s the thing about mysteries for me and why I cannot read them (even though I am COMPLETELY recommending this book); I always speed ahead. Meaning, if a few pages look boring and not entirely essential to the conclusion, I flip by. It’s truth telling. My husband caught me and accused me of pretending to look smarter than I am by acting like I read good.

This book threw me for a loop, bitches. The nice thing is that the twist came about three quarters of the way through (meaning I didn’t have to skip right to the end) and made for a juicy final few chapters. I really loved.

Favourite TV: Big Brother (14)Returns

If I ever become more famous, my addiction to Big Brother (now in its 14th season) will be the most embarrassing thing they find on The Internets dig up about me. Airing three nights a week, this is a huge commitment of time we’re talking. Always so worth it.

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Favourite Improvement: Breaking in my TOMS Wedges

Some of you may recall the purchase of my tie-dye blue TOMs Wedges last summer, others of you may not be able to find a fuck to give about my tie-dye blue TOMS Wedges I purchased last summer.

Favourite Friday: July 12 Edition


Let’s talk about them anyway. They have sat in my closet since that day in June 2011, the day I like to refer to as The Day I Received Such Blisters That They Could Only Have Come From Satan Kissing My Feet. My feet hurt very badly, friends. Still, I could not bring myself to part with le wedges. They are just so cute.

Favourite Friday: July 12 Edition


Slowly, my wedges and I are making good. I have been wearing them an hour at a time, and plan to bring them out again this evening for a date with one of my homegirls.

Favourite Fashion Moment: Cody Horn does something right

I didn’t understand the need for Cody Horn’s character in Magic Mike. We had Olivia Munn, why throw in a second love interest that looked like she was having bad period cramps all the time. Listen, pattycakes, I relate to cramps. They’re totes awful, but that’s why they make motrin and wine and why they look the other way when you perhaps mix them together when it gets really tragic. You almost broke the movie about male strippers, and that is not ok. Thank you though, for proving my point about dress up shorts in that they can be done. Favourite Friday: July 12 Edition Source JP Gaultier no less! I’m #sorrynotsorry about your hair. Can’t win em all. Speaking of Magic Mike. That post was our most popular to date. Nothing makes L-A and I happier than when people find our site by googling, “Magic Mike Asses”. Favourite Friday: July 12 Edition  Source Crappy Pop Video of the Week: What happens when Lil Wayne has feelings.

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I totally learned how to Make Big Fonts-Like!


Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/FashionablePeople/~3/Cdm0rEmWJfE/



Public Meeting - Proposed Expansion of Halifax C and D Recylcing

Public Meeting – Proposed Expansion of Halifax C and D Recylcing