
Favourite Friday: July 20 Edition

Ally: As I write this, there are tears streaming down my face. I literally cannot breathe I am laughing so hard.

You want my favourite this week? Here you go. One of my Facebook Friends was discussing a new show on TLC titled, Here Comes Honey Boo Boo.So of course I took to Google.

Favourite of Life: Honey Boo Boo

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A dolla makes me holla honey boo boo

How have I been sleeping on this shit?

Favourite Outfit: Kristen Stewart at Comic Con


This just provides more proof that I should have been an 80′s rock star groupie. I would have worn this outfit on Tuesdays while touring with Poison.

The skirt is BCBG Max Azria. The shirt is a little skanky.

Favourite Celebrity in Halifax: Cory Monteith

He put out the call:


We answered:


So far, no response.C’mon Finn! Holla’ at your girls!



Crappy Pop Video of the Week

Where did all the girl bands go?


L-A: Before I get into my favourites, I need to comment on two of Ally’s favourites:

1. Now I know what happens when you give a child Moutain Dew. Good to know. My hypothetical children will not need to undergo this experiment now that I have video of the results.

2. I was going to suggest we start our own girl band, but I have a feeling that Ally and I have different ideas about girl bands. Mine is more along the lines of this:

Okay. Favourites.

1. Favourite Celeb in Town: Forget Finn. Let’s talk about who’s really awesome and coming to town.

You’re both winning Seth Cohen.

That’s right ladies. One of my pretend boyfriends is in town. And while I won’t go so far as Ally when she said she’d hump every hoodie in town if Eminem ever came to Halifax, I would like to spot him. Or make out with him on his face a bit (oh hai husband! I’m totes kidding! But if you want to talk about having one of those lists of freebie celebs, now would be the time). But mostly just see him on the street is okay by me. Which brings me to:


Since I’m all up in the Twitter, it’d be awesome if you could just hashtag any sightings to allow me to triangulate his whereabouts. I don’t actually know how to triangulate anything, but it’s that kind of fancy talk they use in crime dramas and it seems fitting.

But please note, #Sethspotting 2012 is not about creepy stalking. It’s just about getting to say, “oh, he was totally on the other side of the same restaurant as me and I didn’t actually go bother him because that would be weird and creepy.” I just want to put that out there in case he does get a local stalker and this post would make me suspect number one.

(Also, I probably wouldn’t realize it’s him if I did see him. Like how I thought I saw a guy who looked an awful lot like Cory Monteith in Shoppers Drug Mart and practically shoved him aside to get at the tissue aisle because of my cold? Yeah. Totally Cory Monteith).

2. Parks and Rec was Robbed: Not a favourite. Not even a little bit.

I’m still wrapping my head around how the show that’s nominated for best writing isn’t nominated for outstanding series? Emmys? What? I can’t even. This gif alone from season two should be enough to get an Emmy nomination:


At least they showed some respect for Downton Abbey. But come on Emmy jerks. First you snub Friday Night Lights for four seasons and now this?

3. Favourite thing of life: this article

Ahh, what a gorgeous day to go for a stroll on one of five streets in Paris or Midtown Manhattan, or, occasionally, Milan. Sometimes I long to wander into one of the myriad unexplored neighborhoods in my city, but then I think, “No.” These are the only streets where things are happening, where people come to see and be seen, and where a three-piece suit worn to pick up toilet paper at the grocery store is not only appropriate, it’s expected. This is where the sexy people live.


4. My outfits suddenly make sense


Three years ago we told you what to wear on a tall ship because they were in Halifax. Our advice was completely impractical and based on this fellow’s outfit:


why we’d trust a man who dances with a mouse for fashion advice is beyond me.


Well, the boats are back! And suddenly my outfits make sense when I’m on the waterfront! Hooray! Thanks for stopping by boats!

But some fun facts I discovered from going into our archives to get this post:

1. I was also super sick at this exact same time three years ago.

2. While I was totally jazzed by all the nautical themes we suggested, my wardrobe had very little nautical in it.

That is all. Enjoy your weekend. I hope it’s a sunny one, because that’s what we’re supposed to have.


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