
Favourite Friday – March 4 Edition: We Continue the Saga of Ally’s Never-Ending Hair Trauma

Ally: This is our second year of blogging. I’m pretty sure that in these two years I have posted at least four times about how horribly stupid it was for me to cut bangs. At yet, you people continue to support this shitty decision every time I post about “Should I cut my bangs!?” I blame all of you. Every single one. Because of you, my husband looks at me and winces.

My bangs are too short to do the Brigette Bardot look. Which, just so you know, I will be sporting for months when I reach that stage.

Do you think I could hairspray the shit out of my hair to achieve this look now?


The site where I obtained the photo,, gave the following advice:

HOW TO COPY-CAT THE ‘DO: Spritz volumising spray on roots of your fringe and dry with a round brush away from the face with cool air—hot air can make bangs flat and hard to manipulate. Back-comb your fringe for added lift and then pin in place with two crisscrossed bobby pins or a pretty clip.

STYLIST TIP: Spritz bobby pins or clips with hairspray before you put them in your do—they’ll stay put longer.
Do you like this hairdo? What hairstyles do you wear when growing out your hair?

Along with Moda by Ozlem (who I totally met at the Bedford Starbucks the other day! She is GORGEOUS. Rumour has it that she is opening up her own store above Mills. I will be there every single day), you also aware of my love for local designer LouLouBell. I’m lucky that Lyndsay (the talent behind LouLouBell) is a good friend of mine. I called her in a panic this morning as there were no headbands on her Etsy site. I did purchase one of these hair pins  there however:


Anyway, I love LouLouBell’s headbands, I purchased on during my Big Day Downtown at Boutique Joliette (a store I adore).

Oh interesting, I was also growing out my shitty bangs in the video above. That screenshot is hideous of both of us. It looks like I’m about to barf and L-A is thinking, “Oh craps, she’s gonna ralph again”.

Unfortunately, with the daycare sickness and workload, it has become relatively impossible to leave my house for anything other than work purposes. So shopping online is a must. At least until spring when flu season, for the most part, is complete. Any-the-way, Lynds is putting together a custom order for me, since I’m such a celebrity (and because I may have cried on the phone about how ugly I look with bangs).

I will also “Platt, Platt, and grab a bit, Platt” as instructed in the video below:

I wish I could be as effortless as Alexa Chung:


Or Kate:


On the the favourites, which my hair is not, I have completely embraced Beyond the Rack dot com. Today I ordered a super cute floral dress for spring. Now I just need to find the perfect nude heel.

The dress is from KOPA, a line that I had never heard of before, but with frocks made for Sienna and Nicole. I wonder if they know about KOPA?


If you would like to become a member of Beyond the Rack, feel free to follow this link and sign-up, thus providing me with a wicked discount on future buys (I swear not to purchase anything “made” by Paris Hilton). L-A is a member too, so she can pimp her link. Unless she feels sorry enough for me for not being able to shop like other humans and actually physically walk into stores.

The video of the week is not crappy at all. It’s Adele, who is on repeat on my computer. Have you bought 21 yet? It’s amazing. Please do.

L-A: Funny story (that probably isn’t actually funny. or even a story): I totally thought that song was going to suck and I was going to have to be nice to Ally because I don’t want to scare her when she’s just getting back at blogging again. But it doesn’t completely suck. Which means one thing: miracle! I kind of hoped that when a miracle happened in my life, it would involve lottery tickets or magic tuition paying fairies, but you take what you can get.

Favourite thing this week are these hilarious/awesome bracelets by Proenza Schouler:


The hilarious part is when Net-a-Porter describes the second bracelet, the editor has this to say:

Proenza Schouler takes its style cues from the designer’s exotic travels with this multicolored rope bracelet.

I find them less exotic and more MEC inspired chic. I’m pretty sure that every person who has ever worked at a summer camp has had a bracelet made of climbing rope. I wore mine until it was gross. And I didn’t even like summer camp all that much. I just liked the statement my climbing rope bracelet made. It said, “look at L-A! She’s totally woodsy and cool and climbs mountains and shit.” When really, all I did was try not to hate on little kids, taught drama instead of anything involving physical activity and had to be talked down from the high ropes course where I was stuck up in a tree and terrified.

Anyway, while I find the climbing rope/carabiner bracelet to be hilarious, I still think they look awesome and totally want one. Not enough to ever pay $150-$175 for one (not even if I had a lottery ticket miracle). But I’d like one.

I actually hit up the MEC site to see how much climbing rope costs, because I think I could figure out how to make one of those suckers. I may be lazy and wait until the lady behind P.S. I Made This figures it out. Although, I sort of want the challenge of figuring it out on my own. Maybe this weekend calls for hitting up serious outdoorsy type stores for supplies.

My other favourite thing is Ben’s Adventures in Ethiopia. Not quite as wacky and madcap as Adventures in Babysitting, but just as entertaining to read.

Also, Ben has a guest post for us…so stay tuned! It’ll be happening next week when I’m going insane with multiple deadlines.

And finally, my favourite non-sequiter of the week:

you’re welcome. Enjoy the weekend.

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