
Favourite Friday: May 11th Edition

Ally:L-A is out attending the Red Hot in the City event on behalf of the blog while I slave over my computer and catch up on work. Don’t cry for me Argentina, I’ll cut myself a break and watch some American Idol shortly.

Let’s start out with some favourite videos.

Warming up to Jon Hamm


I’ve never been a Jon Hamm aficionado. My taste in Pretend Boyfriends continually irritates L-A and Official Intern Krista leaving them questioning, “WHAT IS A YELAWOLF“? This video has me changing my mind. Don’t get me wrong, I still wouldn’t pretend date him, but I’d double date with L-A or Krista while they pretend dated him. I wonder if he’d like my pretend Yelawolf? SNL and Fifty Shades of Grey Poor, poor quality, but please take a moment to watch this clip. You’ve heard of this book, yes? It’s hardcore porn for women in the form of a novel. When I finished Game Change while on vacation, I asked El Jeffe to pick up Fifty Shades at the local Target when he was out doing errands. He asked a sales person to help him locate the book, unfortunately it was not in stock. Now that he is aware of the book’s contents, he has vowed to never forgive me. YouTube Preview Image Nicole Richie is launching a new fashion line Unicorns and puppies and everything happy when I heard that Nicole Richie was launching a new line inspired by the seventies (yes, all her lines are inspired by the seventies, L-A). Here are the deets straight from The snappily titled “Nicole Richie for Impulse only at Macy’s” collection will be heavily inspired by the seventies. The capsule collection will be priced from $49 to $149, and will feature 25-30 items for the “modern woman.” It will debut in mid-September in about 100 Macy’s locations, so expect a lot of prints, boho silhouettes, velvet and faux leathers. No impending American road trips? The collection will be available in Canada online at Shopping online you say? See you then. Speaking of shopping online I can’t tell you how much I adore my BB Dakota military green blazer. It’s sort of tux like (tail in the back), but it’s not too bulky to pair with jeans. I even had L-A take a photo yesterday! Botox courtesy of Instagram

Every time I see BB Dakota pop up in my Beyond the Rack alerts I grab my (read: The Husband’s) credit card and purchase like mad.

 Crappy Pop Video of the Week

Admittedly, I’m obsessed with J-Lo and the life that she leads. I watch American Idol just to hear how many times she says “ok, baby?” I love her for her perfect hair, her costume attire, and of course her taste in men that is comparably only to my bad taste in music. So obviously, I love this song and the fact that her current boyfriend 24 year old “Casper” (YES I KNOW RIGHT!) is featured heavily.

First question, Is that a poem in the video intro? Beautiful shit. Second question, is she wearing a House of Harlow necklace?

It’s amazing how much damage I can do to our blog in one post when L-A is away.

L-A: I’m not even going to try today. I have somehow managed to be out every evening for one thing or another this week. So, here’s the abridged mostly complete version of my un/favourite things:


Pop Culture is kicking me while I’m down.

First MCA dies and I’m having serious feelings and even Sabotage gets me down because I think about how there is no more MCA in the world. And then pop culture throws salt in the giant gaping wound by sending me the FYI that NBC is going to “gently” cancel Parks & Rec and Community.


1.Heart and Stroke Foundation’s Red Hot in the City

We got an invite and that event was crazy swank. Full post about it later, but you can bet your bottom dollars we’ll be making plans for next year. Great party for a good cause (I come from a family that has serious heart disease, so the cause is totally my jam). Also, you really can’t go wrong with a sushi station or fancy mini-desserts (pro-tip!).

2. I am totally down with that Jon Hamm video

Still not a Jon Hamm fan though. But hearing him say “slow your roll” was amusing. Although, hilarious story: at work today Ally is all, “did you see the video where Jon Hamm answers questions from 16 year old girls?” And I didn’t think Mad Men. No, I thought former premier of NS, John Hamm, who is probably really quite old by now. And former premier John Hamm making interweb videos for young girls? So inappropes! I was really happy to find out that it was the actor everyone loves (except me. I still don’t get the appeal) and not the former premier.

Although, I prefer the Ask a Grown Man with BJ Novak (particularly how he threatens to kill Adobe multiple times. I feel that).

3. Hunger Games. Yes.

So. Good.

Do I really need to say more? Probably not. But I will. I’m going to be real with you. I don’t get the whole hoopla over Cinna. He’s a swell guy, but in the books he gets like three pages. And Peeta? Actor has a real soft face, too soft. And he’s kind of useless in a kill or be killed situation. Anyway! Despite this, I totally dug the movie and glad I finally got to go see it on the big screen. But not as much as the woman who let out a sigh of delight at the first sight of Lenny Kravitz.

4. UNIQLO wake up

So. Much. Fun. Y’all need to download this if you have a smrt phone.

Who knew an alarm could exist that wouldn’t incite rage in me at 6:50am.

5. This fashion video

The outfits are pretty sweet, but the video is hilarious. I imagine this dude to be a Zoolander sort of fellow (I have nothing to base this on as I still haven’t seen Zoolander. I know). Sending us videos like this is why Martin will continue to be one of our favourite things. Okay, I need some sleep before I collapse at the keyboard and start writing nonsense. Like when I was writing a post for YKYLF on Wednesday night and in the middle of talking about how I feel about Gossip Girl fashion I sleep typed “Eminem”. This, my friends, is what happens when you’re low on sleep and spend your days working with Ally.


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