Ally: A month ago I was in Florida, sitting on my patio enjoying a crisp pinot grigio and a smutty political book. This week I was in the suburbs mothering a sick Toddler G while he repeatedly cried out for more Lightening McQueen movie watching.
I miss Florida.
Still, there were some favourites this week. Most importantly our birthday event at Carbon Arc. Thanks for everyone for coming out, and my apologies I couldn’t stay for the movie. Five hours of sleep over three nights makes a lady tired and not so in the mood for sitting through Clueless when she knows she’ll be up multiple times throughout the night. I’m sure L-A took care of you all.
So, faves:
We’ve, ok I’ve, talked about Yelawolf before on the blog. Mostly because he’s a serious southern cutie (if you like a lot of tattoos and a mohawk mullet) This week I actually got around to downloading his Radioactive album off of iTunes, and I really, really dig it. I don’t think it’s just my shitty taste in music talking. I think it’s actually for real, legit, decent music. L-A will disagree. She listened to three bars of this song that I was blasting in the next cubicle and nearly lost her nautical loving mind.
Plus, he dates a Canadian, and I dig that, cause Canadian ladies are fine.
You go, Fefe Dobson!
Suit Yourself
I’m also seriously loving Suit Yourself, located in the Brewery Market in Halifax – conveniently located beneath L-A’s workplace, where I am currently on contract three days a week for the next month. As I walked into work on Wednesday looking like a “hot mess” as the kids say, I desperately needed a new dress. Not only did I find a gorgeous peach-ish number, but I also picked up a black lace mini cause lace is so hot this season. Mexx, ladies. You need to get behind Mexx if you aren’t already.

Here’s an Instagram pic of the both of us. Me wearing my new Mexx dress and L-A wearing one of the greatest outfits I’ve ever seen her strut around in.
Smutty Smut Smut Books
I’ve got to come clean. I’ve totally been reading the Shades of Grey trilogy (funny aside, when telling two of my best girlfriends I was reading the trilogy last Sunday evening after downing a rather strong martini, I slurred and called it a “Trillawlagy”…we all laughed…and then drank some more).
Look, I wish I could tell you I was reading it ironically, but the fact is that I’m hooked. Mostly because I like to laugh at the lack of creative adjectives. I was telling some colleagues this week that I’m frankly shocked how many times this heroine can be “shattered”. Who’s that good? WHO? Obviously I’m now on the third installment to continue to judge the shitty writing while glugging cheap wine on my back deck. This is book club reading, friends. However, it is not bus reading…I’m looking at you lady-in-your-forties-casually-reading-the-book-on-the-86-everyday-this-week.
Crappy Pop Video of the Week
L-A will point out that I’ve already included the crappy pop video of the week (see above, Yelawolf). I’m going to politely ignore her and give up another offering. I’m super nice!
I think if people only knew of me based on my crappy pop videos they’d be surprised to learn upon meeting me that I can actually form real sentences in real life. Except when describing three books in a series, “Trillawlogy”!!
L-A, do I get points because there is a pony or horse type animal in the video?
L-A: I’m not sure I understand why there’s a horse in the video. Although I will give points for rhyming Nancy Kerrigan with vegetarian. It’s not a genius rhyme, but it was amusing.
Okay, favourites:
1. Birthday party, obvs.
Hanging out with awesome people, eating cake, drinking prosecco and watching Clueless? What more could a girl want? Big golf claps to Carbon Arc and to our friends at Biscuit and J&R Grimsmo for the prizes.
2. More movie nights, that’s what.
Seriously though. We should have more. Especially teen movies from 1999. While I do have 10 Things I Hate About You and She’s the Man in my collection (I like a teen movie based loosely on great works of literature), the most requested so far has been this:
There is so much to love about that. The soundtrack. The choreographed dance to Fatboy Slim. Ugly pretty girl makeovers. Freddie Prinze Jr saying copacetic like he says it every day. Like I said, classic.
3. I learned how to put videos on the YouTube
The audio/visual elements of the blog are being taken up a notch as I’m now able to enhance everything with the appropriate Clueless quote. I search high and low for them constantly and nothing. And since the interwebs has given so much to me, it’s time I give back with videos of Clueless quotes. More to follow. And then I move on to another movie.
The DRAMZ! She was totes off the hook. I won’t spoil it yet – just in case you need a few days to watch. But for those of you who have: That was amazeballs3000, amiright?
For those of you haven’t seen it yet (you get until Sunday night. That’s plenty of time to watch it), this is a spoiler free favourite part of the episode:
I actually exclaimed “sweet shoes” when those came on screen. The cats didn’t care, but holy crap: purple and tan suede oxfords??? Best.
Writers of Revenge, I applaud you for a good season.
Now give me season two…STAT.
5. Your hipster jam of the week
This is how I counter the Yelawolf. I stick stuff like this on the Rdio and tune out the lessons in southern rap. (“Intro to Southern Rap” is literally a subject line I got in an email from Ally). This song was in Glee, I believe in a bullshit scene with Quinn and Artie suddenly being buddies and going balls out in their chairs, but I’m going to forgive Givers for that. Reasons for forgiveness?
1) Non-Glee version is damn catchy;
2) dude singer is kind of a Baldwin;
3) I saw them play this live at Coachella before I made the Glee connection and it was awesome. Listening to Givers reminds me of the opening hours of Coachella, before heat stroke and dehydration and Holographic Tupac (don’t get me wrong. Coachella was best. But by the end, I was definitely exhausted and dehydrated);
4) Shakespeare got to get paid, son. I may hate Glee, but I really can’t hold it against anyone who needs a payday.
6. Want/Need this dress:
Saw it on at least two girls at Coachella and I’ve been wanting it ever since. I fear it’d be too short on me, but I still totally want it.
7. Your inadvertently hilarious crappy pop video of the week
I keep hearing bits of this song, so I had to google this shit up.
He raps! He says hello to falsetto in 3…2…! He wear a diamond encrusted ID bracelet! He has skin like he’s been photoshopped! He’s got friends who dress in ripped sleeves/eagle t-shirts that Ally would wear! AND HE WANTS TO BE YOUR BOYFRIEND.
Oh grown up-ish Bieber, you keep doing your thing. It amuses the hell out of me.