
Favourite Friday: May 4th Edition

Ally: It’s been so long I’m surprised I remembered how to log into this blog thingy. I’ve just returned from a week-long vacation in Florida. I can’t say it was restful as we were traveling with a toddler, but that’s a story for my mommy blog (which I never update). I have a new respect for The Husband who pleaded with me to lose the day planning mindset and just go with the flow. By day three, I had come to peace with the toddler’s affinity for watching Toy Story 2 on repeat in the middle of the scorching day while hubby and I took turns walking to the beach and pool. A few of this week’s favourites are based on my week away from the grind.

Game Change

Favourite Friday: May 4th Edition

The photo above basically outlines the best moments of my vacation. Sitting on the back patio with a glass of wine mid-afternoon reading what is now listed as one of the top ten books I’ve ever read. Seriously, folks, you need to read this if you have not already. The McCain/Palin section is so dishy. The wine was dishy as well.

My Old Navy Fedora

El Jeffe claims I wore it too “smooshy to my head”. Whatevs. I think I rocked it. This came in handy for the ridiculous Florida heat, and I was even able to pair it with a side braid. Where was Coachella when I needed it?

A new online shopping obsession comes this way…

When checking my mail upon my return I found a dashing postcard promoting Club Monaco’s new online store. Shit, son, this is about to get mad real. I realized while I was away that I have no clothes. No clothes for a fashion blogger is creative writing disaster. When I do shop, I always end up leaving the store with yoga pants and v-neck t-shirts. I’m always rushed, mostly because I am shopping with the little dude. You’d think a self-employed communications consultant could do some shopping during the week, but you’d be wrong. Even though I’m not Catholic, I have what I can only refer to as “Catholic Guilt” over taking such a break during the work day. I have no problem with surfing the Internet for comedy gold however. Anyways! Club Monaco might be my newest online delight. I do my best shopping online with my husband’s credit card in hand. And he always has fun surprises come bill time! Win/Win! Check out the site if you too want to go into debt! They had me at Free Shipping and Returns.

This might be my first purchase…


Random Twitter People

I mentioned to L-A the other day that I started following Eminem’s brother on Twitter. I follow a lot of random people mostly because I enjoy random musings (except the bitch that keeps tweeting fancy inspirational quotes each day…I have no idea why I don’t unfollow her, it seems mean when she tries to be so optimistic all the time). Nathan Mathers (or Nate Kane as he is known in hip-hop circles, cause I move in them and all), has the craziest @ replies I have ever seen. Basically every unbalanced female Eminem fan asks him the most inappropriate question on earth about his brother. We joke here about my bad choices for pretend boyfriends (see: Mark Wahlberg, Ryan Reynolds, Eminem, Sean Avery…cough, cough, WHAT? etc. etc.), but there’s a line to be crossed people. I’m not kidding. These questions are inappropriate hence the dramatic italics. Here’s an example:

Stop. Note her user name.

This young lady requires a mentor. Stat. WHO IS MONITORING HER INTERNET USAGE?!

Anyway, I feel for the poor guy. That shit can’t be nice to wake up to on your iPhone. And his music isn’t so bad. It’s rather catchy. Although I have the worst taste in music. Which brings me to the Crappy Pop Video of the Week.

I have no idea what’s happening here. I watched it twice (I’ll personally hand L-A $50 if she completes the same task) and I’ve got nothing. Still, nothing but mad love for Usher. Defining music for my early twenties…when I was sort of off my rocker.

Happy Friday, friends. Good to be back. xoxo.


L-A: I have to keep the favourites short this week. Why? Because I need to go make stuff for a craft fair on Saturday. But more about that later. First things first:

1. What the hell was that video?

No. Really. What was happening there. Who is having sex with whom? Is it consensual? Who is shooting whom? So. Many. Questions. And not nearly enough energy to care to watch the whole thing. That’s right friends. I would rather be out $50 than watch that video once, let alone twice.

2. Craft Show!!

This is why I’m keeping it short:

Halifax Crafters is happening Saturday and Sunday and I’m pretty sure this is the least prepared I’ve ever been. I say this often, but this time, I really really mean it. Anyway, if you’re in Halifax, stop by to say hi and see just how unprepared I really am.

3. THIS!

Totally, 100% a favourite.

oh…what’s that? Could it be?

Oh snap! It totally is a tattoo!


We’re still in the healing days, but I do enjoy having it and I stare at it a lot. I went to Sin on Skin on Blowers (by Pizza Corner) and I’m so pleased with the whole experience, I’ll totally go back to see Eldrick for the other wrist. It was not nearly as painful as I imagined. In fact, I used the words “kind of ouchy” with the tattoo artist (I have zero street cred).

4. Coachella

Also still totally a favourite. It damn near killed me, but I want to go back.


5. I need to make up for that video

I’m sorry. I can’t leave you with that song in your head. Here’s my jam of the week for you:

I wish I had seen her at Coachella, but I had to make some tough choices during that time slot. This won out:

Well, sort of. Minus the Abed and a little less Troy and a little more this:

You see, tough choices.

Anyway, May the Fourth be with you! (yessss…Star Wars joke!)


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