Favourite Friday: October 19 Edition

Ally: I’m totally spent this evening, so my favourites will be brief.

Amy and Tina for the Golden Globes

Best decision ever.

Favourite Friday: October 19 Edition


Kate Hudson’s Boots

No, I’m not joking. Thanks for asking though.

Favourite Friday: October 19 Edition


Beyonce Performing at Superbowl

This half-time show will be fantastical.

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(I posted that video for no reason whatsoever except that it makes me smile).

This Song (Because I’m all Sad Times Bear Tonight)

I would hug this song if I could. I played this CD so much that it’s wrecked.

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And I’m out.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/FashionablePeople/~3/CI7oMjnltCk/

Lay It On Me

Lay It On Me

How’s Your #SoberOctober Going?