
Favourite Friday – October 8 Edition: We be getting Crunk

Ally: I’ve been thinking. It’s about time we have another event. Mostly because mommy could use some good ol’ speaker dancing. Word?

Sure, I’m a believer that no one really wants to see my 32 year old arse shaking its thing downtown, but if I put enough makeup on I’m sure I could pass for 31. Our other excuse for a night out? It’s The Smirnoff Nighlife Exchange Project. We were contacted by the coordinators of the event who are offering two free tickets to our sexy readers. Yes, that’s right. You get to party with us. Give me a few vodka sodas and I may even show you some of my moves. Classic.

The event concept is pretty cool. The Smirnoff Nightlife Exchange Project is an ambitious attempt to create a once-in-a-lifetime experience on the same night all over the globe. Beginning in October 2010, they are asking people in fourteen countries a simple question: What makes your nightlife the best in the world? The answer could be a cocktail, fashion trend, dance move (My ass-drop move!), local DJ, anything and everything that makes a night in your country great. On November 27, 2010, the fourteen countries will swap nights. Your ideas will be transformed into an amazing experience for your exchange country, and in return, you will get the best of their nightlife.

Ok, fine, I stole the above text direct from their email. I’m lazy, deal.

Halifax’s turn is next Thursday, October 14 at Cheers, Taboo and The Dome. You in?

So! We  have two tickets to hand out, but even if you aren’t the winner, we still want you to come out. Send us at email at fashionablepeople dot com with a song suggestion for Ally (moi). It has to be pop, it has to be crappy, and she has to be able to speaker dance to the ditty. Who knows I might even request it to be played by the DJ on our night out. Once we have the entries, we will pull your name out of a hat (my fedora!) and name the winners on our blog post next Wednesday. For the people who don’t win, you’ll still get to see L-A wearing plastic shizz and drinking shooters while laying on the bar. Hey! She’s on vacation. I can say what I want here.

Next on the Fave Friday agenda is L-A’s guest blogging at You Know You Love Fashion. As usual, she’s hilarious. And I quote, “Juliet has something up her taupe sleeves. Vanessa is trying to make Dan deal with his feelings about Milo, because that’s what you do in an adult relationship (apparently). And Eva is a hooker with a heart of gold. No, really, she is.” Read it, love it.

Since L-A is gone, can we talk leggings with no pants? I’m into it for fall. Obviously, the shirt needs to cover your behind, we’ve agreed on that much. So, I’m looking for a good pair of leggings which I am sure I will find at Winners, and a great tunic (many of which are about to be revealed when I unload my winter clothes chest this weekend). Style inspiration?


Sure, it’s from August 2009, but the style still applies. Especially with the ankle boots. LOVE the ankle boots. I hope L-A isn’t near a computer right now or else she will surely be crying into her icelandic wool sweater. I also think that wearing a blazer with said leggings sans pants tones down the tart factor, oui?

And yes, I’ve already given you a crappy pop video in the intro, but i’m kind. So here’s your second. Happy Friday, bitches. Tie one on.

When the co-blogger is away, the crappy music will play.

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