
Favourite Friday – October 9 (??) Edition: Chanel, clogs, and cats

AllyG: Is it October 9th? I’m losing track. This is what happens when you basically change from your pajamas into “fancy pajamas” (i.e. “day clothes”) all week. You lose track of the hours/days. I really enjoy getting on the blog with my one cup of coffee (two sends BabyG into overdrive) and spewing out nonsense for 30 minutes. Yes, if you wondered why my posts were less than ideal lately, it’s due to time constraints. Be assured that I have been told I get more “time” around the three month mark. We’ll see if that’s true. Nevertheless, I’m having the time of my life with BabyG. Sure, I ain’t knocking back martinis in my minidress, but it’s a whole other league of excitement. And so far, BabyG likes watching Gossip Girl so I don’t miss out on my favourite show each week. He’s not so impressed with ANTM, so I’ll have to get the recap from L-A.

It’s been so long since I’ve done a fave Friday! Here are a few of the things I’ve been loving these days.


I adore this Alice + Olivia bustier dress. Also, I adore Kristen Cavallari. She’s the best thing to hit the Hills since…well, anyone. Maybe Justin Bobby. I just enjoy him because it’s fun to throw things at my TV and swear at it. Kiki’s got some good gams going on. I read in US weekly that she does pilates. Well played.


I’m also loving the dresses from Spring 2010  Giambattista Valli. Lately I’ve been enjoying the simple and easy black and white combo, and I’m particularly enjoying the combo in the above dresses. Particularly the bustier in the bottom right corner (what’s with me and strapless today? Must be a reaction to the one-sleeve trend). Instead of puffy sleeves, she has a bit of the puffy boob going on, but I’m still down.

And I have to declare that Chanel has my vote for the win at Paris Fashion Week. First off, I simply have a mad crush on Lagerfield. Secondly, the line is still classic, but youthful…but not too youthful that you can’t wear it after 30. My faves included:

Ignore the shoes. No, seriously, please try to ignore the shoes. Just look above the knee. Great warm cream colour, classic fabric with fun detailing on the edges.

Man, those shoes are really  hurting my credibility here. Again, keep the eyes above the knees garter (???). This dress is ridiculously gorgeous.

Look! It’s classy mommy-wear! I could absolutely go to playgroup in this ensemble. Non? Karl even makes pajama pants look Upper East Side.

Oops! I think this model may have inadvertently gone to the Chanel show instead of the Ungaro show. That’s the only explanation. She must have had “breakfast” with Lilo and gotten confused. Wow. This outfit is Barfers. Karl is allowed one miss.

(Photos from

L-A: No ANTM recap because I got my crazy Tyra fix on Gossip Girl. And then ended up watching a documentary on craft on PBS. But hello Chanel loveliness! I’m with you on that being a favourite this Friday. But I am questioning Karl’s decision to use clogs. As a Beverly Fong, a writer at Refinery 29 wrote:

When Karl says “Jump”, we say “With what accessories?”

And normally I’d be saying the same thing. Buuut…clogs??

Ummm…not so much a favourite.  Maybe it’s all part of the cycle. I remember when clogs were the thing back in the 90s when 70s-influenced styles were making a comeback. And since there’s been an 80s-influenced trend around, maybe it’s time for 70s-inspired-early-90s-inspired. Or is that too meta?  Whatever it is, the clog wasn’t only on the Chanel runway. Marc Jacobs had some crazy clogs on the Vuitton runway:

That sport clog is going to give me nightmares for weeks.  The loafery clog I don’t completely hate, but that’s because my feet often steer me towards practical and comfortable shoes. But I’m putting my foot down (wait, what? I’m confusing myself)…I’m going to say no to clogs. Not a favourite. But only because what might be cute on a runway will turn ugly fast in the real world.

But the Vuitton show was a favourite if only for the hilarious wigs. Is it just me, or do these models look like they belong on the top of a bottle of Gwen Stefani’s celebperfume?

(Chanel and Vuitton runway photos:

Great coat and scarf though. Minus the fluffy clog and the giant hair, I like the outfit.

Also on the slightly ridiculous front, another favourite this week is United Bamboo’s 2010 calendar models. I hadn’t heard of United Bamboo before this, so their choice in models is well played because it’s the reason they’re on my fashion radar now. Why do I love these models? Because they’re cats. Cats!

Ha! hahaha! No seriously. I’m LOLing. Need to see more? If you insist:

Cute cat, great dress (for me. not for my cats. My cats do not get dressed up for anything).  Also loving this dress, cat or  no cat:

Since I love puns, I also have to send out serious golf claps to Fashion’s online editor for writing “haute catoure“.

(photos and tip on the hilariousness: Refinery29)

And finally, a bittersweet favourite: Irving Penn’s photography


He died this week at age 92.   Those are just three of his photographs from Vogue (1950, 1995 and 2004). He was amazing at all ages. I got to see the exhibit Earthly Bodies, a collection of his nudes, at the Metropolitan Museum of Art on a visit to NYC in 2002. It was frigging amazing. I’m not crying into my coffee over the death of a celebrity, but it is still sad news for the worlds of fashion and art.  He does leave behind one hell of a body of work for us to remember him by.

And on that note, enjoy your Thanksgiving long weekend! Eat turkey (or tofurkey, it that’s your bag) and pie.  For you Americans, well, you have to wait another month. But I think you get a long weekend too, so enjoy that. And here is something you can wear to Thanksgiving dinner:

Happy Turkey Day!

(photo via Found Shit – aptly named site since I found it through a google image search; It is an original by Catirina Bonet Designs)

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