
Favourite Friday – the January 4th/Resolution Edition

L-A: Aaaaand we’re back! Happy 20-bakers-doz! Thanks for putting up with our holiday. I was off in America and Toddler G has this whole Santa thing going on, so we needed to take the break.  This week’s favourites are going to be a mix of things we’re loving and things we’re resolving.

1. I almost stuck to resolutions! 

Totally a favourite! I checked out what I resolved to do last year and I 90% stuck to it*. For reals. Some of it was done under the wire, like wearing something other than a stripe (I bought plaid in November and fair isle on December 29). And I wore a heels a lot in the early part of 20-doz. And the lipstick was a bit more on-again/off-again, but it was consistent. So all in all, not a bad year for resolutions. I’m going to try to keep those going into this year.

*not necessarily mathematically correct. I sort of guessed at the percentage.

2. New resolutions

New resolutions include:

– general overall healthiness (but mostly managing to run 5k by end of the year. Not a race. Just 5k at once. I’m already at 3k).

– read more. Like at least a full, grown up book. Any suggestions? Not Zadie Smith. I started White Teeth a year and a half ago and I hate one of the characters so much I can’t finish.

– write more. Here and in a book I once started. No one may ever read the book, but it’d be cool to finish.

– wear more skirts

– wear the hell out of my fur hat. This has been weird. It’s quite the hat and sometimes feels like I’m trying to make fetch happen.

3. Fur hat

This isn’t a resolution, this is just a favourite.

Favourite Friday – the January 4th/Resolution Edition

amazing, right?

4. Movie Nights

This is a wine-fuelled resolution that Jill and I had during New Year’s eve. We think it’s pretty smart. We’re going to have movie nights. But not the kind where you need to leave the house to join us. Nope. We’ll set up the live chat like we do on Oscar night and you can join us from the comfort of your own box of wine PJs. I think this will be our first movie:

You guys in?

Ally: I think I might actually be serious about  my resolutions this year. I’m kind of ready to let go of toxic in my life and focus on the good. A lot of that is in my hands. Listen, this doesn’t mean I’ll completely walk away from the snark. In my mind, there’s a very large line between celebrities who don’t ask for commentary and those who do. Those who ask for it will be paid in full. Which brings me to my first resolution.

Try to limit snark to those who are deserving (and keep it Klassy)

Guys? L-a, ASKED for this. She associated her fondness for her new hat with the endorsement of the above celebrities. Therefore, L-a deserves the snark that cometh her way.

Be happy for Yelawolf and Fefe Dobson

It’s tough for anyone when an artist that you used to rock out to BETRAYS YOUR HEART AND GETS ENGAGED TO YOUR PRETEND BOYFRIEND.

The proof is in the below video, I won’t make you sit through it, just hit up the 2:38 minute mark and pass me the kleenex.

This really puts a damper on our Fantasy Pretend Boyfriend League that never really got out the door. I just ask that Fefe continue to put out gold like this:

Gently put down the ice cream from time to time

As much as Gisele Bundchen irritates me (and she does, she really does, especially as a holier than thou mother), I do hear her annoying little voice in my ear everytime I polish off a carton of Haagan Daz. I know I am treating my pregnant body as a garbage receptacle, and I’m really enjoying it. I need to face facts that at eight months pregnant, this will not be me on the beaches of Halifax.


With that said, I’d like to try to be a bit creative on my maternity wear this time around. My inspiration is all over the board with Duchess Kate, Jenna Dewan, Jessica Simpson and um, Kim Kardashian all expecting around the same time. I spoke with L-a, we think Kim’s maternity look predictions may require a post of its own. Feel free to weigh in.

Play better music in my home

I’ve never been a believer in the kiddie music genre. It’s awful for everyone involved. I’ve made an exception when it comes to The Wiggles, but that’s where I put my foot down. Toddler G. has always listened to what we’ve listened to, and perhaps that hasn’t been the best thing. His love for Taylor Swift has come about mostly on his own, and it’s quite something to watch. Watching someone so young be completely inhibited when singing and dancing around to I knew you were trouble by the Swifty is rather endearing. That said, I think it’s time for him to engage in more “Michael Jackson Dance Parties” which he was really into last year, and perhaps finally accept L-a’s offer to make him a hipster adjacent mix CD. First up, I think I’m going to introduce him to some Al Green and Marvin Gaye (the appropriate songs, I’d rather him not sing “Let’s Get it On” at school, he’s already saying enough shit….like, “shit”). So, welcome to 2013, looking forward to sharing it with you lot. Here’s a rather devastatingly sad song, just to show you I love you…or something:


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