
Favourite Friday – the June 22nd edition

L-A: Oh heyyyy Friday! You want to know something nice? It’s getting to a point where I can say, “It’s Friday!” and Rebecca Black doesn’t come to mind. This has taken some time. Of course, I now have that damn Carly Rae Jepsen song stuck in my head. I blame Jill. It’s not her fault, not entirely anyway, but I blame her.

Now for the favourites!

1. Summer Jams! (a rdio mixed tape for you)

What is summer without a pile of songs you will listen to on repeat? Currently, this is where my summer jams are at on Rdio. I use the word “jams” loosely as some are less jammy than others, but they’re mixed in on the regular, so they get in on the mixed tape (not my best mixed tape by far).

And the next person on Facebook who judges my listening to Bieber, so help me God, I will go through your CD/MP3/Vinyl collection and find whatever embarrassing thing is in your collection. I know you’re secretly listening to Carly Rae Jepsen’s new single! Which I am also listening to and yes, I hate myself a little for it.

2. Portland and it’s Mayor

If you thought your mayor was cool, you were wrong. If you thought your mayor was lame, well, they just got lamer. Because  this dude just referenced Kyle MacLachlan (and as I’ve recently learned during wine crew x trivial pursuit night, I have strong feelings about Kyle MacLachlan thanks to Twin Peaks), putting a bird on it, having good hair, visiting his hometown, Emmy Awards and pickling things in one video. In short, the Mayor of Portland talked about everything I love about Portlandia.

Favourite Friday – the June 22nd edition

(Why no actual video? Sadly, the awesome video is hosted on Brightcove and as much as I love y’all, I’m not paying $5/month to have access to said videos).

I kind of wanted to visit Portland. Now I really want to visit Portland.

3. Ampersand of ampersands

My final letterpress piece. Possibly my best (at least it’s my favourite).

 I only wish I had more time with this sucker. Setting it was a bitch. But letterpress class is over and I’m no longer able to play with type. I may need to get a kickstarter campaign or some sort of crowdsourced funding to start paying for my letterpress habit.

4. This adorable bag.

I’ve sort of been saying no to tote bags as of late, because it turns out a girl CAN have too many tote bags. However, my mom has purchased this one and it’s straight up adorbs.

Totes my jam.* (*pun fully intended).


5. Clutch Culture show at Fred.

We adore Mo and her clutches. I love Fred (both for getting my hair did and for getting my eats).  The only trouble is: I HAVE NOTHING TO WEAR! Seriously, what the hell am I going to wear. I know I have a closet full of clothes, but when the invite says, “dress to kill”, what do you wear when everything you own looks like “dress to go pretend yachting”??

6. Hipster Jam of the Week

Actually, I don’t have one. I’ve been all up in the crappy pop music this week. I did listen to a lot of Japandroids this week, but I shared that last week. So he’s a crap video for you.


Seriously guys. I have a problem.

7. Crappy Pop Video of the Week.

I take no credit for this. This one is all Ally. It came in an an email that also said that El Jeffe was bringing her dinner while she worked in PJs. Girlfriend has had a hard week.

The only thing I can say about this is: that song is one country superstar short of being everything Ally loves about music.

(Ally: I listened to this all day yesterday. It will be in constant rotation today as well.)

Intern Favourites!

Once again, Krista has given us her selections.

Emma Stone

During award season, I made a frequent threat: if you say a bad word about Emma Stone, I will cut you. She’s all-around awesome and always wears something interesting, even if People Magazine readers don’t understand it. On Thursday, Emma wore this outfit to the Madrid photocall for The Amazing Spiderman and will you look at those shoes!? Want. Bad. Also, I want her and Andrew Garfield to stay together forever, because they are adorable.


Tinto de Verano

When I traveled in Spain last year, I learned pretty quickly that sangria is for tourists. Spaniards drink tinto de verano, loosely translated as “red (wine) of summer” and it’s going to rock your world. Mix one part red wine to one part fizzy beverage (club soda, lemon-lime, lemon soda), throw in a slice of lemon, and ice. I’m making this a thing.


Li’l Sebastians on the Run

I love Parks and Recreation and the Greatest Little Horse in the World (US Division), Li’l Sebastian. I also love police blotter reports, and the Kings County Register has the best one. “From the Cruiser” describes the highs and lows of policing in Kings County, Nova Scotia. From time to time, something awesome happens that bears sharing. This week, some ponies – or miniature horses – escaped from their corral and were found making a run for it on a major trunk highway. That is so badass, I don’t even know where to begin.



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