Favourite Friday: the March 22nd edition

L-A: You have no idea how ready I am for it to be Friday. I mean, I was super ready for Friday last week, but then I went and ruined my weekend by getting into a stupid accident. It was literally stupid. No one hurt, no major damage. Just expensive enough to be a hassle and ruin my perfectly good week. So you know what this week can do?



Yeah, that’s right.

Now for the favourites!

1. These guys, for all the obvious reasons.


At some point, Kate Spade will stop stealing my dreams and turning them into shoes. Until that happens, I would like a pair of these for summer.

2. Mixed tapes from friends are the best

Even if they come from the suburbs.


I’m still not entirely certain what I’m listening to. I do know that there’s a duet cover (?) of a U2 song following this number.

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(that song is actually ridiculously catchy).

It’s like seeing inside of Ally’s brain and it’s awesome.

Ally’s Editors note: Um, it’s actually U2 singing with Mary J Blige…how could you not know that?

3. Still really in love with my watch


I keep looking at my wrist and thinking, “there is time. And it is on my wrist. Amazing!” It’s like I’m a big girl now.

4. I’m reading Persuasion again

Totally geeking with my homegirl Jane Austen.

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That trailer is totally the worst. But trust me when I say it is full of All the Feelings. All of them.

5. I think I need to re-watch this.

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It’s been too long. Also, adorable Li’l Josh Charles? Yes. (I think him smouldering at Alicia in The Good Wife is why I watch. If she chooses Mr. Big, I am out).

6. This gif never fails to make me happy



We made it our new Facebook cover photo (using an image the doesn’t really fit cover photo specs) and I thought I’d share the love and make y’all a proper one if you want it (at full size, it should perfectly fit a Facebook page cover).


Ally: Before I started my favourites, I thought I’d browse through what L-A had written. Glad I did! I was actually going to write about Kate Spade Keds as well. These shoes are EXACTLY what I need for spring/summer.



I would never buy the nautical pair. That would be like stealing L-A’s Pretend Boyfriend (who I have no interest in whatsoever). The pink ones are mine though.

New Favourite Country Artist

Wait! Stop! Don’t go. Please. You need to listen to this album, I mean it this time. I wrote about Kacey Musgraves on Facebook earlier this week. She writes her own songs just like Taylor Swift, but I can’t for a second picture her dating a boy-band pop star like Harry Styles. No, Kacey is too smoking her Marlboros before catching the next train out of Tennessee. Loves.

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I’m all kinds of sad that I didn’t find Kacey before making my mix CD for L-A, but I’m comforted by the fact that I did include Rascall Flatts, Fleetwood Mac and Pyromania Hysteria, in that order. I’m all kinds of awesome.

Favourite Friday: the March 22nd edition

(L-A sent me the above Gif because she loves me).

Favourite new Web Series (which is local!)

This week a friend turned my attention to a new web series looking to get funding. It’s based on the musical comedy of Halifax musicians/comedians Ann Denny and Ryan Veltmeyer. Here’s the description written by professionals who have likely enjoyed more sleep than I have this week:

Anna Danova is an eight webisode romantic comedy series about a charming, but too-sensitive-for-this-world indie musician who is awkwardly negotiating her way through a new relationship.  Anna falls for the unassuming musical genius of Brian Babaracki, but like any self-respecting, progressively-minded artist, she’s determined to “keep it casual”.   Throughout the series, Anna and Brian find their footing by breaking into song in the most unlikely moments – songs that reveal hidden agendas and unspoken insecurities.

Ballistic Films recently put a teaser video on YouTube, which is part of their application to the Independent Project Fund in partnership with Film NS. Funders will of course be looking to see the number of views, comments etc. on the page.  I talked to one of the film’s producers, Gillian Everill, and she pointed out that the vast majority of “college humour” webseries are very male dominated. This series takes aim at fantastic, chic women.

It might surprise you that I enjoyed this promotional video very much, especially as I have been known to mostly watch The Hills when viewing programming on the Internet. However I did like it, very much. It’s quirky and a reflection of real situations, sort of similar to the style of Girls, but without making their cast members appear naked all of the frigging time (seriously, can we talk about this aspect of Girls at some point? I love Lena Dunham and I totally love her inhibition, but the all-the-time-nakeds takes away from the actual dialogue sometimes…or maybe I’m a prude?). The series is cute, well written and well acted. Please, how much do you wish that you could have broken out in song in a bar when sitting with a guy who has an awful mustache?

So without further ado, here’s the promo video for Anna Danova. If you like it, be sure to say so on YouTube (or I’ll subject you to more Yelawolf…I’ll likely do that anyway).

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Do they sell emotional condoms? Can we get one to Taylor Swift?


Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/FashionablePeople/~3/qGECLnLxTZU/

Night Watch

Night Watch

Funny Friday – A (Brief) Sitcom Roundup