
Favourite Friday: the May Day(ish) edition

L-A: Remember that week when I couldn’t remember what day of the month it was? Well, this week I topped that. I started writing this post in a panic so I’d have it ready for Friday morning because I was determined not to abandon you for a week.


I stayed up late to write. I was getting shit done.

And then I remembered: tomorrow is Thursday.

You guys, I’m a mess.

Maybe not a Reese Witherspoon apology level mess, but a mess. Trying to have a life while planning a move to another province blows.

Okay, so favourites:

1. Got my hair did. 

Totally went Carey Mulligan short. Now if only I was allowed to day drink sidecars all day long at work and had giant Tiffany’s diamonds, then my Gatsby dreams would all come true.

I didn’t take a picture, but I was on Global Morning News yesterday to talk Crafters, so you can probably see my hair there.

2. I bought these shoes for $3.85

It’s like they’re giving them away.

Are you kidding me? I walk into Old Navy because it was there and I was there (since I had to make the terrible slog to Bayers Lake in search of craft fair supplies I couldn’t find downtown). I had no plans to buy anything, but these were the first thing I see. In my size. For $5.99. Deal! I was already committed to purchasing them for an absurdly low price and then boom! 30% off that. I feel like I stole them. Best part? They’re frigging adorable and I love them like I paid full price for them.

(On that note, I do feel some guilt, considering recent events in Bangladesh and the idea of fast fashion. It’s clearly a mixed and shallow guilt, as I still went into Old Navy in the first place and I still bought the shoes).

3. The Shameless Self Promotion: Craft Show this weekend

Yay! Come visit!

4. WTF of the Week: Spotted at the Bookstore

I headed in to find the Sheryl Sandberg book and spotted this:

I’m skeptical about taking life advice from what is mostly likely bargain-GOOP. Also, I love the title of the book next to it.

5. How I’m feeling these days about blogging

Click here to view the embedded video.

Before I wish you an awesome weekend, I’m going to apologize for the crappy job we’ve been doing of writing posts. No, we’re not slowly quitting. But on my end, work + craft show + move + farewell tour of friends = no time/energy left for writing. Even when I have awesome ideas (which I do), I suck at the follow through. On Ally’s part, birthing babies appears to be hard work (she doesn’t complain much, but it still sounds hard). It’s not much longer before Baby G2 is born, and that means no sleep for her.

We’ll post as often as we can this month, but the move (and everything surrounding it) will probably get in the way. Once I settle into my new place and buy a desk, things will get back to the norm. Thanks for your patience and for putting up with us in all our sturm und drang.

Ally: I second L-A’s emotions. I’m wrapping up work before becoming a mother of two in a few weeks, so that’s taken the priority. This doesn’t mean that I haven’t been noticing awesome stuff, like…

Nicole Richie’s latest hair style


It’s not for me (did you hear that, husband? I SAID IT IS NOT FOR ME), but it looks spectacular on her. It’s actually not the best photo, but I’m rushing to post something before heading to physio to deal with what my physiotherapist describes as “Angry Ass”. I know what you’re thinking and I have no idea why we’re asked to go on TV to talk about important things either.

I’m also beyond gleeful over the news that Nicole will have a web series called…

#Candidly Nicole

Click here to view the embedded video.

“I am here in regards to my tramp stamp”

My love is so deep for her.

On to Beyonce and Feminism

Lastly, if you need a good read this week that will reconfirm your belief in feminism, this would be your best bet.

Not everyone has the luxury of choosing a job that showcases the “brilliance of their brain”. Some of us will settle for a job which showcases the brilliance of our ability to put food in the fridge, even if it means “undressing” to do so. Some women need to use their bodies to get ahead. Some women want to. This doesn’t make them less than, and their choices are not incompatible with brilliance.

I’ve struggled recently with my reaction when I see celebrities appearing on the cover of a magazine wearing little to no clothing and belly chains.


My gut reaction is, “what is this telling the young ladies of tomorrow!”. This article made me rethink that. Maybe it’s telling the young ladies of tomorrow, “See me? I’m a billionaire who has made my money off of my art and I still enjoy wearing uncomfortable booty shorts”. Power to that, right? Although I cannot get behind belly chains. I cannot.

When talking about this on my Facebook page, someone accurately pointed out that it was time for Solange to get shown more love for what she is doing to empower women.



Have a great weekend, and we’ll potentially see you on Monday depending how much sleep I get over the weekend.

Amazing Video of the Week

When I’m down in the dumps, nothing makes me happier than Dolly Parton (except wine, but that’s now allowed for the next month at least). So I give to you Dolly on Letterman in 2010.

Click here to view the embedded video.

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