
Favourite Friday – the October 14th edition

L-A: Let’s just get right to the punch. Because I’ve got at least two hates to get off my chest before I can even contemplate favourites:


1. Why no cardigans??

What up Halifax? I spent an hour and a half this evening visiting no less than eight different stores. And do I have a cardigan to go with a dress for a wedding? No. I found only three possibilities – one was way too casual, one may not work with the dress and the other cost $150. And while the $150 cardigan was totally dressy and perfect, it also cost $150. Maybe it’s totally worth it, but it’s not in my budget right now. (aren’t cardigans always in style? Because if they’re not, I think they should be).

2. Being sick

Kind of a given. Especially since it’s during a short work week. And right before a friend’s wedding. Also, it’s causing me to sound like Lindsay Lohan.

Clearly not something I’m going for.

3. Idiots who stop when there isn’t a crosswalk

Turns out I have three hates. Because idiots who stop suddenly to let someone jaywalk during rush hour means the car behind them stops suddenly which means the car behind that one stops suddenly into the bumper of a car. Like the car I’m in. And now I have a headache. So thank you idiot in the black truck at Hollis and Barrington streets around 5:20 pm on Tuesday evening.


1. Weddings!!

One of my favourite people ever is getting married on Saturday! So congrats to Megs and Duncan! I met Megs 10 years ago reading the news on CKDU. Neither of us are journalists now. Whatevs. We’re still going to party like it’s 2001 and we’re in our 20s again. And I get to dress up and hang out with other favourite people.

Of course, is it just me, or does picking out a dress to wear to a wedding cause unreasonable anxiety? I never know what to wear. I went to a wedding recently and wore my dress with birds on it (as seen on 365 Fashion Rehab) and kind of felt like I was underdressed. Let’s bring back the dress code folks. Be very specific how you want me to dress at your event and I will love you forever – because you make me feel so much less stress.

2. Shoes in my mailbox.

Favourite Friday – the October 14th edition

Yeah, my friends are awesome.

 If you’ve ever wondered why Eden is Intern Eden, wonder no more. It’s because she does things like this. That and dress like Lady Gaga on the streets on Toronto.

3. More awesome events than you can shake a stick at.

So, I can’t go to most of these because I’ll either be partying in Peggy’s Cove (the sacrifices you make for friends who are the best) or because I can’t afford it. But y’all should totally attend if you can. For starters:

Turbine Showcase

Saturday night.

We went to her showcase in the spring and it was amazeballs. It’s totally worth it to see great clothes and support a good cause.


Also Saturday night

This is possibly one of my favourite nights all year. On par with Christmas eve. This is like a night of trick or treating – but for grown ups (although, kids can go too) and the treats are art. Everywhere. This will be the only year I miss Nocturne.

Made with Love

(next week)

It’s a cocktail contest. What more can you ask for? And considering the pear mimosa I had at Morris East recently, it is game on for the other competitors.

ICE Awards

(also next week)

Okay, it’s kind of an industry specific event. But I’m still excited. I need to find an awesome outfit for the dress code before next Friday. (You see? I love a dress code!) If you have any suggestions of a “classy creepy” outfit and where one can find such an outfit, please let me know.

Ally: Guys? I’m sorry. I’ve been useless as a blogger this week. Work has taken priority.

To compensate, can we listen to one of my old-timey Favourite Crappy Pop Videos ever?


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