
Favourite Fridays – August 14 Edition: H&M & September Issues

L-A: Okay kids, I’m going to share this with you despite the embarrassment cringes I get whenever I watch or listen to myself. Perhaps a reason why I didn’t try to stick it out as a radio journalist (OMG. This is learn about L-A week! I’m totally going to quiz you on this later). I’m told I shouldn’t be embarrassed though. So here’s my interview with Emily of H&M at yesterday’s grand opening:

Emily wasn’t giving anything away about whether Jimmy Choo is coming to Halifax’s H&M. She’s a total professional. Sadly, a bad connection in the store cut out our first interview with Emily, which meant that some of my more hard-hitting questions didn’t come out as such in the second go-round. I had tried to ask why the mall and not downtown. Nothing in against this mall in particular, but y’all know how we feel about shopping downtown: we like it and we want to do more of it.  (p.s. I totally need to thank my hair stylist Krista from Fred Salon for making my bangs look cute this morning. They were a total mess and I came in babbling about needing them trimmed for H&M. Krista is all kinds of awesome).

Anyway, there were over 300 people lined up to get in. Ashley of and I used our press passes [insert evil laugh here] to jump the line. We were actually in before the store opened and I can’t tell you how much I wish I had been able to afford to shop (it doesn’t matter how affordable it is…everything is out of the student budget) because when they cut those ribbons! Stand back! It was madness.  No hair pulling or riots that we could see, but it was a madhouse. I wouldn’t blame you if you waited a week or two to give it a go. And I don’t envy the staff who have to fold and put stuff away. Crazed shoppers can leave a trail of dead in their wake. Well folded cardigans and t-shirts are casualties of shopping war.

Moving along.  My favourite thing this Friday is: SEPTEMBER ISSUES! Oh yes! I just picked up the September issues of Flare and Elle Canada today. I haven’t had a chance to look through them yet, but fear not. There will be a round up of our favourites from this year’s September issues. The one we covet most isn’t yet on the newsstands, but soon my pretties, soon, it’ll be time for Vogue.  And speaking of which, here’s the trailer to the documentary The September Issue:

My ringtone whenever Ally phones me is actually the clip of the receptionist answering at Anna Wintour’s office. I kid you not. It’s awesome.

And, not that I’m wishing away the summer we’ve barely had, but I’ll be honest with you, I’m damn excited for the return of Gossip Girl! The previews for season three are out and I’m just giddy with anticipation:

We’re making plans to take over a bar with a big screen to watch the premiere of GG.  Oh yes. It’ll be OMFGG-FPQT night somewhere. There will be wine and cocktails and Blair’s outfits and Chuck Bass.  What more could you ask for? If you have any bar suggestions, let us know. Comment or email (fashionablepeople [at] gmail).

Okay, it’s been a long day, so I’m going to go pop some popcorn and read my magazines. Have an awesome weekend full of sunshine and lollipops. I’ve made plans to help paint a house on Sunday, but if you’ve got free time, you should be checking out the deux fm Trunk Show at The Hub (on Barrington Street). It’s 1-5pm on Sunday. Trunk Show! You’re totally going to be there, right? I need y’all to go enjoy the awesomeness of the trunk show and report back. Go score a deal or two for me. The deux fm fall collection looks super pretty, so I’m a bit jealous of anyone who does make it.

Enjoy the sunshiney weekend weather!




AllyG: I was so sad that I couldn’t make it to H&M with L-A yesterday. Real job and all, peeps probably would look down upon me departing the office for shiny new clothes. Or maybe they’d toss me some cash after seeing me trot around the office in what I like to refer to as pajama dresses. Anythehoo, L-A was WONDERFUL, and not just because her bangs were bangin’. She even asked a question for me! WWSMW (What would Sienna Miller Wear?)! That is true friendship.

Today’s my last day at work before my vacation/mat leave. I’m quite sad about this. I fear I will be lost for the next few weeks before I have BabyG. I’m expecting to be tons overdue. We’ll see.

Back to Sienna, she’s on the cover of the Sept issue of one of my favourite mags, Nylon. The interview is all sorts of adorable. Look, I love the girl. She screws up, makes huge mistakes, but she gabs about them. As I love gossip, she’s right up my alley. She sort of bumbles about life and runs into a few walls here and there. I don’t agree with the whole homewrecking thing, but I think Balthazar may need to bear more responsibility than my girl for that.


I actually own the other Nylon covers that Sienna has been on. Here she is with her sister promoting their fashion line Twenty8Twelve

We haven’t really talked about this line on the blog. I’m not sure what L-A’s thoughts are, but I actually was less than impressed. I love Sienna’s style, but it didn’t translate that well into her designs. This is probably where L-A would slap me around and throw me in a cold shower to try and rid me of my notion that celebrities actually design their own lines. I know. I’m an idiot.

Cute, but totally overpriced. You could get the same stuff at Forever21 (which I actually love. Good online shopping options!). Except for this outfit from Forever21, this outfit sucks.

Nigel Barker would freak the eff out upon seeing this photo. Why is she posing like she is pregnant? Possibly because the scuz bucket behind her just impregnanted her with tackiness with his evil leer. Ew.

I’m heading down to Smith’s Cove this weekend to spend time with the rentals. This means a trip to the Paperchase to pick up a couple of September issues. If my husband is reading, he is going to get upset at the last statement. El Jeffe is not a fan of the magazine collection. May also pop by Dharma Sushi, the BEST sushi in Halifax for a few veggie rolls (I can hardly wait to eat the rawish fish again).

It’s gonna be a sunny weekend in Hali’ folks. Wear sunscreen and dress appropriately. And by that I mean, let’s put some effort into it, eh ladies?  Yes, this is coming from the fat ass in the pajama dress.

Xoxo AllyG

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