
Favourite Fridays – August 26th Edition

Ally: Can people please stop talking about Will and Jada? Who cares about Will and Jada? I care more about Selena and Justin and that’s saying something. You know gossip is slow when.

Anyway. Here’s what I’m plugging today.

Oh that’s right. It’s a party in the suburbs. Not unlike this:

It is my belief that when L-A and I are 88 years old, sitting next to each other and drinking boxed wine at the nursing home, she will turn to me and quietly say, “You know, you were right about that Miley Cyrus song. Shit was a motherfucking classic.” Trust me. It will happen. It might be the dementia, but it will happen.

I’m not sure what is going to go down at this fashion show, but anything that benefits my beloved Dress for Success Halifax (and is happening in the ‘burbs!) is gold to me.

In addition to this week’s Favourite Event. I obviously have a new Favourite Crappy Video. What? You thought Miley was it? No.

Leo, seriously. Come back to me. This is getting to be too much.

Lastly, I really, really want these. They would become my Favourite shoes:


They are the wingtip inspired shoe from Miz Mooz. Adore.

L-A: Oh honestly Ally, what in the name of all things fancy was that last video? Any borderline crush that I may have harboured for Eminem has been 100% crushed. Nothing like Bruno Mars to cockblock a potential lady boner. Eff that noise. Pass the gin and the Miley Cyrus, please. (yeah, this is how I see our end of days in the Home for Aging Bloggers. This and a box of wine).

Okay, my favourites this week:

1. Wornettes help fill the Clueless void on the Interwebs.

This video is a straight up cornucopia of awesomeness:

Honestly, you have no idea how often I search the interwebs for a good Clueless clip. And what do I get? Maybe the trailer. And in poor quality. I mean, I know the movie came out in 1995 and we were using VHS and running a 386 PC on dial up like we were computing in the effing future, but come on! Someone must have figured this jazz out by now. You know what. I’m going to fix this.

2. The Ampersand won!

That’s right. I polled you guys and I liked the results, so I’m getting that funny symbol for “and” tattooed on me for the Big Day Downtown. And like most things in my life, I’m stuck trying to choose a font. Serif? Sans Serif? I don’t know! And what if I choose the wrong font? You guys, this is hard!

I’m sort of leaning towards Gotham and Archer. And sometimes I dig on Helvetica (I’ve seen the doc three times). And Futura is one of my favourite parts of Wes Anderson movies. But seriously, I’m at a loss. Because while I dig Archer, it’s the font used for Martha Stewart magazines, and I don’t want someone saying, “hey! isn’t that the Martha Stewart font?” (because that totally happens). But then, I like Martha Stewart. Her magazines are delightful.

[insert sound of frustrated/confused L-A]

And then, because if the anxiety over what font to choose wasn’t enough: I have no idea how you go about getting a tattoo. Do I just call up and ask for one? How long does it take? So. Many. Questions. Any of you tattoed and can tell me how this works?

Alternatively, if you happen to have a favourite ampersand, send it my way. Who knows? Maybe it’ll turn out to be The One.

3. This song has been on repeat for the past two weeks and I seriously can’t get enough.

I mean, really. It’s just the cat’s pajamas. I want to go driving to this song (if I owned a car). Or hang out with lemonade and saddle shoes and giant headphones.  I want to put it in the soundtrack of a movie.  I’ll probably tire of it eventually, but right now, I want to listen to it again.

4. Those wing tips Ally wants.

Obvs. I need a pair of those after I get me some saddle shoes.


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