Favourite Fridays – October 2 Edition – Fall jackets, costumes & designers for the masses

L-A: Usually I exclaim, “I can’t believe it’s Friday already” when I write these (you’d think I’d have gotten used to the fact that Friday comes once every week), but this time it’s: “I can’t believe it’s October already!” What the heck happened to September?

But that’s okay. I like October. It means we’re solidly into sweater weather and transitioning into fall jacket weather.  And wearing the two together are totally a favourite of mine. Some jackets I’d love to own this fall?

tulle_dblbreasted tulle_zigzag

Both are by Tulle (which you can get in Halifax at Biscuit…can’t say if you can get these coats, but you can get Tulle coats). While my mom insists that you keep the pockets sewn up on a coat so that it keeps its shape, this is something I do not love. Pockets are important in Fall.  It’s cozier. Especially in pre-mitten weather.

October also means I can start thinking Halloween costumes without appearing overeager for the candy-filled holiday.  The Husband has suggested that Ally and I dress up as this:


And we’re a little bit tempted, although we can’t decide who is Wayne and who is Garth.  I may or may not have gotten a great idea from Jennine at The Coveted. She’s been doing a series of Halloween in My Closet costumes, taking her own ideas and reader suggestions to come up with costumes using stuff she already owns. I won’t say which of the costumes is the one I’m thinking about because I’m one of those people who like to surprise other party goers with my costume. (Oh, and J.Lau’s Halloween parties? Definitely a favourite. But I’ll save that for another Friday).

Another favourite? Designers collaborating with trendy department stores! (and I mean real designers. Not that Miley Cyrus bullshit). Just as when I heard about Jimmy Choo for H&M or Rodarte for Target, I’m a little bit excited about Sonia Rykiel for H&M.  I was a little bit sad when I read that she’ll be doing lingerie, because while I’m sure it’ll be pretty and all, I wanted to see knitwear like this:

05m 22m

Even if it was only a little bit like that. My sadness was short lived because the H&M press release says there will be knits after all! Hurrah!

Another collaboration that has been announced is Canadian designer Mark Fast working with Top Shop. I hadn’t actually heard of Mark Fast (bad fashion blogger!) before his recent brouhaha at London Fashion Week over plus sized models, so I can’t say if I’m excited about this…yet. I’ll get back to you. Oh, what does it matter…there isn’t a Top Shop here and I have no plans to be in a Top Shop city anytime soon (kidding. It totally matters and I will of course write about it I’m actually excited about it. Or if I hate it).

Speaking of stores we have in this city. Favourite rumour: Sephora in Halifax? I would die. P.s. it’s totally just a rumour. I have zero facts.

And that’s it for this Friday. Time to go do my paid work. Enjoy the weekend!



The Snow Queen cometh.

Once upon a time….