
Feedback Supports Electricity Review Scope of Work

Initial feedback confirms the province’s Electricity System Review is on the right track and Nova Scotians are eager to participate, says Energy Minister Andrew Younger.

An update of what Nova Scotians say should be included in the review, and how those issues are addressed in the scope of work, is available online.

Most of the feedback from the public and organizations expanded on items already covered in the scope of work.

“This was just the first step in engaging with Nova Scotians in a conversation about our electricity future,” said Mr. Younger. “There will be many opportunities for people to participate throughout the review process — on line, in writing, and face-to-face.”

The feedback is based on the draft scope of work posted online in January.

Suggestions include the following topics:
— infrastructure that will withstand disasters
— social and environmental costs of fuel choices
— review timeframe
— system maintenance
— separating transmission assets from power generation
— distribution power generation (local production and use of power)
— incentives for homeowners
— cost of decreasing demand
— cost of purchasing power from other producers
— role of thermal generation (coal)

The suggestions will be addressed through the review’s three categories: emerging technology; market trends for supply and demand; and electricity sector organization and governance.

“There are so many interesting discussions for us to have with Nova Scotians about new technologies, supply and demand, how the system is organized, and about electricity costs,” said Mr. Younger. “The broad categories we’ve identified will help direct our work, but when it comes to conversations with Nova Scotians, everything is on the table. We will continue to listen to suggestions as the review proceeds, as this is Nova Scotians’ review.”

The feedback will help develop a plan to gather information from Nova Scotians.

What We Heard: Summary of Comments on the Nova Scotia Electricity System Review and the final scope of work document are available at .

Source: Release

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