
Film Productions Announced

Nova Scotia Business Inc. announced the first approved productions through the Nova Scotia Film and Television Production Incentive Fund (NSFPIF) today, Sept. 22.

The feature film nineteenseventysomething produced by Weirdos The Film Inc. has received a funding commitment of $320,403.

Television series CBC Ha!ifax Comedy Fest 2016 produced by ComedyTV 16 Inc.

has received a funding commitment of $140,127.

As funding commitments are approved details will be available on the NSBI website,

— the Nova Scotia Film and Television Production Incentive Fund financially supports the development and production of films that have potential for success in Nova Scotia and other markets
–- to be eligible for the fund, an applicant must have a permanent establishment in the province and be engaged primarily in the creation of film-video productions for public viewing
–- eligible organizations are able to apply to receive funding from the fund to facilitate the production of projects in Nova Scotia that meet the eligibility requirements
–- the objective of the fund is to support and expand the film and television production industry in Nova Scotia and create economic value for a broad group of Nova Scotians, in particular key creative positions such as directors, writers and performers.

“Nova Scotia Business Inc. is excited to work with the film and creative industry as part of our mandate on behalf of Nova Scotians,” said Laurel Broten, president and CEO of Nova Scotia Business Inc. “In addition to administering the Film and Television Production Incentive Fund, NSBI also works with businesses in many sectors by offering business advice, education and information sessions, international business training, trade market research, and business development.”

Nova Scotia Business Inc. is the provincial government agency responsible for delivering business development and export development tools, services and programming. To learn more about the fund guidelines and application process, please visit .

Source: Release

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