
Finding Fulfillment in Lifelong Learning

Jon Adams, of Halifax, saw a return to the classroom as his second chance in life, and he was going to make the most of it.

He admits he did little more than what was necessary to graduate from high school.

“I didn’t see the value of learning at the time. For years, I played it safe. And that got frustrating. I came to realize that the safest route is not always the best route. I needed to step outside my comfort zone and challenge myself.”

At the age of 33, Mr. Adams enrolled in the Options Work Activity Program through MetroWorks. The program helps people develop the essential skills required to move into further training or employment opportunities.

“Education started to grow on me. I was amazed at how fulfilling learning could be.”

He credits much of his success to his instructors.

“I wouldn’t have been able to see my potential if it weren’t for them. I’m now on the road to becoming the person I really want to be. As long as I do my best to keep walking tall, I will be successful.”

Through classroom and on-the-job training, Mr. Adams has developed the skills and confidence he needs to step back out into the workforce. He graduated in March and is now updating his resume in the hopes of finding a job in customer service.

“Learning is lifelong. It’s everywhere. Any piece of paper that says I have completed a course only means that the foundation has been placed.”

At a Literacy Nova Scotia event today, April 17, Mr. Adams was joined by Tiffany Rhodenizer of Pictou County, Samantha Lundrigan of Sackville and Mahnaz Musawi of Halifax, to share their inspiring stories. They are among the more than 30 Nova Scotians who submitted essays in celebration of adult learning.

“These individuals recognize the positive impact that learning can have in all aspects of life,” said Kelly Regan, Minister of Labour and Advanced Education. “Their hard work and determination have led them to succeed, and given them the knowledge and confidence they need to access new learning and career opportunities.”

“Today, we heard how literacy has changed the lives of these four individuals,” said Jayne Hunter, executive director of Literacy Nova Scotia. “There are many other stories of success out there and we would encourage Nova Scotians considering a return to learning to take that first step. We’re here to help them succeed.”

International Adult Learner’s Week, April 11-19, celebrates the achievements of adult learners, the organizations that support them and the value and rewards of life-long learning.

For more information on adult learning in Nova Scotia, visit or call 1-877-go-NSSAL (1-877-466-7725).

Source: Release

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