
Finding the Right Move: How Budding MMA Stars Can Take Inspiration from Poker Pros


MMA and poker may seem worlds apart. One sport is highly physical, and the other is a highly emotive and much less physical pursuit. Nevertheless, there is a degree of strategy that transcends both pastimes. In fact, budding MMA stars can take a great deal of inspiration from poker’s most successful strategists and winners in the art of patience.

In both arenas, success often hinges on waiting for the opportune moment to strike. There’s much MMA fighters can learn from poker players in mastering this crucial skill. This may explain why former UFC welterweight and middleweight champion George St-Pierre has managed to impress at the poker tables in recent years since his retirement from MMA.

In poker, patience plays a huge part in a player’s hopes of winning, whether that means diligently scouting the right tables to play or waiting for information on opponents – such as their typical hand ranges. The more information they have, the more efficient moves they can make. It’s this technique which helps them to stay on the right side of the margins, without letting fate take its course.

Below, we’ll look at the various elements that comprise a patient, winning poker player and discuss how these traits can translate seamlessly into the octagon.

Calculated Aggression

In poker, seasoned players understand the value of patience in waiting for the right cards and the opportune moment to make a move. Similarly, MMA fighters can benefit from calculated aggression. Patiently studying an opponent, waiting for the perfect opening, and then executing a well-timed strike or takedown can be more effective than a flurry of impulsive attacks. Patience allows fighters to conserve energy, observe patterns, and strike with precision.

Reading the Opponent

Poker players are adept at reading their opponents, deciphering their tendencies, and adjusting their strategies accordingly. MMA fighters can adopt a similar approach by studying their adversaries during a match. Patient observation can reveal an opponent’s habits, weaknesses, and tells. By patiently biding their time, fighters can gather valuable information that may prove decisive in the later rounds.

Emotional Control

Poker is not just a game of cards; it’s a psychological battle. Successful poker players maintain emotional control, avoiding impulsive decisions fuelled by frustration or excitement. MMA fighters, too, must navigate the emotional rollercoaster of a match. Staying patient in the face of adversity, weathering storms, and waiting for the right moment to turn the tide requires a mental fortitude akin to that of a poker player facing a challenging hand.

Strategic Bluffing

In poker, the art of bluffing is a strategic manoeuvre that involves presenting a false image to mislead opponents. MMA fighters can employ a similar tactic by strategically feigning movements or intentions to confuse their adversaries. Patiently setting up a situation where the opponent believes they have the upper hand before launching a surprise attack can be a game-changer. The key lies in waiting for the right moment to execute the bluff with maximum impact.

Capitalizing on Mistakes

In both poker and MMA, mistakes are inevitable. A skilled poker player patiently awaits the moment when an opponent makes an error and then seizes the opportunity to capitalize. MMA fighters can apply the same principle, staying vigilant for openings created by their opponent’s mistakes or even highlighting their illegal moves, however accidental they may be. Whether it’s a lapse in defence, a poorly executed move, or a momentary loss of focus, patient fighters can turn these slip-ups into decisive moments.

Endurance and Playing the Long Game

In poker tournaments, players often face gruelling sessions that require endurance and a focus on the long game. Similarly, MMA fights can be physically demanding, requiring fighters to pace themselves and remain patient throughout the bout. Waiting for the later rounds to exploit an opponent’s fatigue or capitalize on accumulated damage reflects a strategic approach that mirrors the endurance required in poker tournaments.

Both poker and MMA are games of timing. Poker players patiently wait for the right moment to bet or fold, while MMA fighters must choose the opportune moment to unleash a powerful strike or execute a well-timed submission. Patience in timing is a common thread that connects success in both realms, emphasizing the significance of precision and strategic decision-making.

Finding the Right Move: How Budding MMA Stars Can Take Inspiration from Poker Pros

MMA and poker may seem worlds apart. One sport is highly physical, and the other is a highly emotive and much less physical pursuit. Nevertheless, there is a degree of strategy that transcends both pastimes. In fact, budding MMA stars can take a great deal of inspiration from poker’s most successful strategists and winners in the art of patience.

In both arenas, success often hinges on waiting for the opportune moment to strike. There’s much MMA fighters can learn from poker players in mastering this crucial skill. This may explain why former UFC welterweight and middleweight champion George St-Pierre has managed to impress at the poker tables in recent years since his retirement from MMA.

In poker, patience plays a huge part in a player’s hopes of winning, whether that means diligently scouting the right tables to play or waiting for information on opponents – such as their typical hand ranges. The more information they have, the more efficient moves they can make. It’s this technique which helps them to stay on the right side of the margins, without letting fate take its course.

Below, we’ll look at the various elements that comprise a patient, winning poker player and discuss how these traits can translate seamlessly into the octagon.

Calculated Aggression

In poker, seasoned players understand the value of patience in waiting for the right cards and the opportune moment to make a move. Similarly, MMA fighters can benefit from calculated aggression. Patiently studying an opponent, waiting for the perfect opening, and then executing a well-timed strike or takedown can be more effective than a flurry of impulsive attacks. Patience allows fighters to conserve energy, observe patterns, and strike with precision.

Reading the Opponent

Poker players are adept at reading their opponents, deciphering their tendencies, and adjusting their strategies accordingly. MMA fighters can adopt a similar approach by studying their adversaries during a match. Patient observation can reveal an opponent’s habits, weaknesses, and tells. By patiently biding their time, fighters can gather valuable information that may prove decisive in the later rounds.

Emotional Control

Poker is not just a game of cards; it’s a psychological battle. Successful poker players maintain emotional control, avoiding impulsive decisions fuelled by frustration or excitement. MMA fighters, too, must navigate the emotional rollercoaster of a match. Staying patient in the face of adversity, weathering storms, and waiting for the right moment to turn the tide requires a mental fortitude akin to that of a poker player facing a challenging hand.

Strategic Bluffing

In poker, the art of bluffing is a strategic manoeuvre that involves presenting a false image to mislead opponents. MMA fighters can employ a similar tactic by strategically feigning movements or intentions to confuse their adversaries. Patiently setting up a situation where the opponent believes they have the upper hand before launching a surprise attack can be a game-changer. The key lies in waiting for the right moment to execute the bluff with maximum impact.

Capitalizing on Mistakes

In both poker and MMA, mistakes are inevitable. A skilled poker player patiently awaits the moment when an opponent makes an error and then seizes the opportunity to capitalize. MMA fighters can apply the same principle, staying vigilant for openings created by their opponent’s mistakes or even highlighting their illegal moves, however accidental they may be. Whether it’s a lapse in defence, a poorly executed move, or a momentary loss of focus, patient fighters can turn these slip-ups into decisive moments.

Endurance and Playing the Long Game

In poker tournaments, players often face gruelling sessions that require endurance and a focus on the long game. Similarly, MMA fights can be physically demanding, requiring fighters to pace themselves and remain patient throughout the bout. Waiting for the later rounds to exploit an opponent’s fatigue or capitalize on accumulated damage reflects a strategic approach that mirrors the endurance required in poker tournaments.

Both poker and MMA are games of timing. Poker players patiently wait for the right moment to bet or fold, while MMA fighters must choose the opportune moment to unleash a powerful strike or execute a well-timed submission. Patience in timing is a common thread that connects success in both realms, emphasizing the significance of precision and strategic decision-making.

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