**** HRFE Media Release
Fire Prevention Week Events
Sunday, October 6
Fire Prevention Week Kick-off
Exhibition Grounds
Middle Musquodoboit
9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
There will be lots of fun swag and handouts for adults and children. Guests will be able to see the fire engine, get a helmet and visit with the local fire crew. Fire safety information will be available on how to prevent fires in your home and what to do in an emergency.
Sunday, October 6
Fire Truck and Crew on Site | Fire Safety Display Booth
Sobeys Larry Uteck
55 Peakview Way
11 a.m. – 3 p.m.
There will be lots of fun swag and handouts for adults and children. Guests will be able to see the fire engine, get a helmet and visit with the local fire crew. Fire safety information will be available on how to prevent fires in your home and what to do in an emergency.
Monday, October 7
Fire Safety Classes
Musquodoboit Valley Education Centre
12046 Highway 224
9 a.m.
There will be classroom visits and students will get to tour the fire engine.
Monday, October 7
Fire Truck and Crew on Site
Keshen Goodman Public Library
330 Lacewood Dr.
11 – 12 p.m.
Guests will get to see the fire engine, visit with their local fire crew and get a helmet. Sparky and Simon will also be making an appearance.
Monday, October 7
Fire Safety Display Booth
Keshen Goodman Public Library
330 Lacewood Dr.
11 – 2 p.m.
There will be fire safety information available on how to prevent fires in your home and what to do in an emergency. Lots of fun swag and handouts will be available for adults and children.
Tuesday, October 8
Fire Truck and Crew on Site
Musquodoboit Harbour Public Library
7900 Highway 7
11 – 12 p.m.
Adults and children can see the fire engine, visit with their local fire crew and get a helmet. Simon will also be on site.
Tuesday, October 8
Fire Safety Display Booth
Musquodoboit Harbour Public Library
7900 Highway 7
11 – 2 p.m.
Fire safety information on how to prevent fires in your home and what to do in an emergency will be available. There will also be lots of fun swag and handouts for adults and children.
Wednesday, October 9
Fire Truck and Crew on Site
Cole Harbour Public Library
Fot Hills Parkway
11 – 12 p.m.
Adults and children can see the fire engine, visit with their local fire crew and get a helmet. Sparky and Simon will also be on site.
Wednesday, October 9
Fire Display Booth
Cole Harbour Public Library
Forest Hills Parkway
11 – 2 p.m.
Fire safety information on how to prevent fires in your home and what to do in an emergency will be available.
Thursday, October 10
Fire Trucks and Crew on Site
Bedford Public Library
15 Dartmouth Rd.
11 – 12 p.m.
Adults and children can see the fire engine, visit with their local fire crew and get a helmet. Sparky and Simon will also be on site.
Thursday, October 10
Fire Safety Display Booth
Bedford Public Library
15 Dartmouth Rd.
11 – 2 p.m.
Fire safety information on how to prevent fires in your home and what to in an emergency will be available. There will also be lots of fun swag and handouts for adults and children.
Friday, October 11
Fire Safety Classes to all students
Dutch Settlement Elementary School
990 Highway 277
8 a.m. – 12 p.m.
There will be classroom visits and students will get to tour the fire engine.
Friday, October 11
Fire Trucks and Crew on Site
Sackville Public Library
636 Sackville Drive
11 – 12 p.m.
Adults and children can see the fire engine, visit with their local fire crew and get a helmet. Sparky and Simon will also be on site.
Friday, October 11
Fire Safety Display Booth
Sackville Public Library
636 Sackville Drive
11 – 2 p.m.
Fire safety information on how to prevent fires in your home and what to in an emergency will be available. There will also be lots of fun swag and handouts for adults and children.