
Fire Prevention Week: Look, Listen, Learn

Oct. 7-13 is Fire Prevention Week and Nova Scotians are reminded of essential steps around how to escape safely in the event of a fire.

This year’s theme is: Look. Listen. Learn. Be Aware. Fire can happen anywhere.

“Every year in Nova Scotia, there are a number of house fires caused by heating equipment,” said Chuck Porter, Minister of Municipal Affairs. “It is important to have heating equipment and chimneys cleaned and inspected every year by a qualified person.”

Here are some fire safety tips:
— look around your home for places fires could start. Identify and eliminate potential fire hazards
— listen for the sound of a smoke alarm and take it seriously. Once a smoke alarm sounds, there could be just minutes to escape safely. Go to a pre-arranged meeting place discussed in your home fire escape plan
— learn two ways out of every room and make sure all doors and windows leading outside open easily and are free of clutter

Fire prevention week is also a good time to test smoke alarms, replace batteries and ensure the device hasn’t expired.

“Roughly three out of five fire deaths happen in homes with no working smoke alarms,” said Fred Jeffers, Nova Scotia’s Fire Marshal. “Smoke alarms are a key part of a home fire escape plan.”

For more information on fire prevention visit the Office of the Fire Marshal website at .


Source : Media Release

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