
First cohort of Spryfield Pathways students return first results

The first cohort of Spryfield Pathways to Education students have their first semester report cards in. Pathways is a program that targets youth at risk of dropping out of school and gives them special support. I’ve written about Pathways and how it works previously on OTC. Spryfield has a very high dropout rate; studies done by the local development agency have shown that rate to be about 46%. These are grade 10 students at J.L. Ilsley high school. Here are the results, courtesy of Kevin Young, director of the Pathways program.
-75% of students received all first semester credits
-88% of students received at least 3 credits and, thus, remain on track to graduate in 3 years
-12% of the students are considered to be at risk of not graduating
-Pathways students obtained 88% of available academic credits
-87% of students obtained their English credit, with 70% scoring above 70%
-85% of students obtained their mathematics credit, with 43% scoring above 70% and 58%
scoring above 60%


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